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" hello queen " jungkook waved for me with a smile plastered on his face.

I backed away while ong seongwoo stood up in the middle to catch jungkook's attention

" don't mess with her jungkook if you want to stay alive " ong seongwoo warned

" I do want to stay alive but I don't think you do "

ong seongwoo knew the danger he was in but that didn't stop him from giving jungkook a hefty shove and he nearly fell but he regained his balance and gave him a glare telling how angry he was

then ong seongwoo growled and yelled in pain

not again!

I rushed toward jungkook and turned his face to cut their eye contact and I succeeded on stopping ong seongwoo from feeling that pain but as soon as jungkook's eyes met mine the pain transformed to me since his stares were still intensely angry and I couldn't believe it when in an instance his eyes softened, I sighed when the pain faded away.

I wanted to walk backward to prevent any sudden touch from him like kissing me, that bastard kissed me that day too

but he grabbed my arm tightly

" don't touch me with your dirty hands " I ranted

I glanced at ong seongwoo who was approaching him " no ong seongwoo stop I'm ok " I tried to stop him because I don't want him to be severely injured like yesung and maybe this time he won't let him alive

I failed to stop him but jungkook stopped him with one glare making him kneel in pain again

" No stop it " I yelled and he surprised me again when he obeyed me

" only for you " he smiled

" what do you want ? " I huffed

he kept glaring at each inch of my face without saying anything for awhile, his straight cold face reminded me of daniel he will always take seconds looking at me before replying, although they don't actually look alike but you can tell that they are brothers when you get close to them

wait that's so wrong, he is a devil he is no close to be like daniel I shouldn't be fooled by his sudden change he is still a jerk

" I don't know, but that entertains me " he said

I yanked away and moved one step backward but what surprised me for the hundredth time that day is that he didn't stop me and he gave me space instead.

" what entertains you messing with us ?" my voice got louder full of anger

" no " he said as he approached me again this time only we were left with few inches between our faces " I enjoy being close to you like this "

" that's enough you've crossed the line " ong seongwoo yelled at his face as he pushed him away of me but jungkook responded with a smile making ong more angry
that was the first time I see ong seongwoo pissed off " you have to accept the truth, she is daniel's mate and only his, you can't get in the middle "

he kept smiling making ong seongwoo burn in anger then glanced at me and winked, he fucking winked to me " send my regards to the human " he said and disappeared again like every time I meet him

ong seongwoo looked at me still angry but before we could say anything a noise interrupted
someone fell from the tree he hit the ground with a high thud like if someone pushed him from up there then daniel and the others walked toward us. I recognised the face of the guy laying flat on the ground.

" jihooon " I yelled running toward him and in seconds I was kneeling beside him

" what have they done to you ? " I gasped when I saw his face full of scratches and his eyes almost closed and swelling

werewolf || Kang daniel Ft JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now