Chapter 2 - Really?

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Today's the starting day. We are filming a Sidemen Sunday video so we thought it be a good opportunity to give all of the guys a fair chance at getting first. If they were all there then they could each spot it.

It's a sit down video a try not to laugh at bad jokes. Whenever we aren't on we are sitting next to each other.

We're being touchy but not too touchy. We even slightly held hands at one point. We agreed to be around each other more on camera but not to the point where fans guessed before the guys.

Josh even called me 'peng' and no one said anything. I mean he did do it in a joking tone but still.

I mean they're barely even looking at us. Looks like this game is going to go on longer than we thought.

We're all going to watch a movie in the living room together after we finish filming so we're going to sit together. I mean know our friends are idiots but come on. I didn't think they were this stupid. I expected one weird glance by now.

*Time skip till after they've finished filming*

We're watching a film now. It's a horror.

"Really guys. You know I hate this shit." I said loudly

"Well it's what everyone else wanted watch" Simon replied

Josh was especially adamant about it being a horror and I knew why. He knew that I would be scared. He would get to cuddle me. He always did that when we weren't out. But we're trying to be found out and the guys will think it's normal.

"Why don't you just sit by Josh like always since he doesn't get scared" Ethan suggests. I look over at Josh.

"Okay" I said.

I went over and sat next to Josh. I was quite cold being January so we had a blanket over us and I has leaning on him.

"Josh this isn't going to help them at all they are supposed to guess not think we're being normal." I whisper to him.

"Yeah, I didn't really think of that" He said "Oh well at least I get to cuddle you" He snuggled further down towards me.

Looks like I'll have to wait till another day for them figure it out.

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