Chapter 2

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I slowly awoke, only to see a SHIELD agent caught in a trap. I sighed, and knocked her out. I quickly broke the phone and the trackers she has on. I quickly layer her mind with the mist, making sure she won't remember seeing me. I fed Queen a little ambrosia to help get her going, and it quickly healed any small scraps. Moonbeam and Nightshade patrolled the small camps boundaries, waiting for further instructions. Queen fluttered her soft wings, waiting to be loaded up. I gathered my few things and slung it across Queen's back. Together, we began to walk through the looming woods, my eyes alert. All this sudden, there was a soft whirring of a machine. I flick my wrists, and Moonbeam and Nightshade got the signal. They ran into the shadows, and travelled away. Queen looked at me, and I nodded. Queen turned, and bounded away into the woods. I run quickly, leaping over logs, and often swinging up into trees. I could now clearly hear yells for me, footsteps, the machine, roaring, and guns. I lunge forward, hiding in a tree. The Tinman flew by, and I shot forward. Grasping his shoulder, I rolled myself onto his back, and stood on him, waving at the girl who held the guns. I felt an arrow zoom towards me, and I raise a dagger. It shattered against the metal, and Tinman tried to fly me into a tree. Keyword: tried. I backflipped, and slammed my fist into the helmet. Taking one dagger, I began cutting off pieces of his suit. Then, I cut out his thrusters, and leapt off. Hitting the ground rolling, I kept pace.  I panted, and soon stopped, allowing Spangles (Captain America), Gingerette (Natasha), Blondie (Thor), Hair Gel (Loki), Sparrow (Wanda), Hawky (Clint) Bird Boy (Falcon), to surround me. I hissed, and glanced around. My eyes landed on Ginger and Spangles, and I rushed forward, and he quickly flung his shield, but I caught it, slamming it into the female's head. I quickly swung my dagger down (Its a silver and celestial bronze dagger), slicing his chest. I nimbly fall back, then roar in pain as an arrow landed in my ankle. I quickly flipped backwards, grabbing Blondies hair, yanking him into a kneeling position. I press my dagger into his throat, and one leg stuck out, so my heel is on the Gingers throat. I snarl, "Back away now, or they get it!" Quickly they back away, and I point to Sparrow, "Keep you magic away from me. If a single drop of magic of yours enters my mind, I won't hesitate to kill either of them." The young girl nods furiously, and I lift my dagger, and then with a burst of speed, I take off, panting. I whistle as loud as I could, causing the shadows to morph into two wolves. Nightshade scooped me into her back, and I instantly fall asleep again, knowing I'll need as much as I can get.

-Next few hours-

Between stopping for rests and food, they were steadily making it towards Indiana. I was leaving Queen alone, unless I desperately needed her. I panted, and plop ungracefully down on a bench. Nightshade and Moonbeam lay in the benches either side of me, panting heavily. I shuddered, "This is a nightmare. At least we are ahead of the spandex squad." Moonbeam whined in laughter, and I soon followed after. I stood up, and grabbed my drink off the bench. We began walking through a small town, heading for Indiana. I was munching on some fries I stole from people. The glaring sun didn't back down, burning my shoulders painfully, but after, I knew I would have a nice tan. I kept my gaze swerving around, looking for people, or more likely, Agents or Avengers. I bring up the phone I took, and called camps number. I heard Chiron's wise voice, "Hello?" I reply quickly, "Ch- Mr. Brunner! Let my parents know I'm fine. But I've got Agents and Avengers on my tail. Watch Queen for me, and make sure mom and dad stay out of this!" I drop the phone, and crush it, and began running. Why? They were probably tracking the phone. Luckily, I hear no roars, guns, or voices. I quickly scan around, seeing a pedestrian. I rush over, "Hello, Do you know how close we are to Indiana?" He nodded slightly, "About 10 Miles east." I nod in thanks, and continued the way he pointed. I began a search for a bike, motorcycle or not, and saw a black bike, with silver accents. And lucky me, a silver and black helmet, with black fingerless gloves. Raising an eyebrow- this seemed to easy. Then, I saw a note in Greek. I smiled, sending a thankful prayer to Artemis. I slid on the gloves, and strap my helmet on, and I skidded around, and drove onto the road, expertly weaving through cars and trucks. The hunters had taught me how to drive, along with Mom and Dad. I saw the classic "Welcome to Indiana!" sign. I continued driving, going towards Indianapolis. Not wanting to lose this, I touched it, and vapor traveled it away to a little hidden camp she had made. I realized I had the helmet on, I quickly did the same to it. I left the gloves on, liking the rough outside, and silky interior. I continue to travel on foot, poking around. The signs pointing towards what I can assume is Indianapolis, well, I follow them. Soon, I sees busy city, and smile. Here is would I relax for a few days. I began walking through the streets, the sounds of cars and speaking drowning everything out.  I scream in pain, being punched in the head. I swing around, sweeping the archer off his feet. My senses were off- they couldn't seem to focus and sense anything. My senses weren't as strong here, unlike the forest. There, I was in control. I felt myself being tackled against the pavement, my head slamming into the ground. I fought as hard as I could, but, eventually, I fell. To a dam mortal, no less!

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