After her!

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-Third POV-

Lyra and Queen flew in silence, she would often gaze around every so often, checking her surroundings. She yawned, she was exhausted. The day was finally taking its toll on her. Her hips, head, and body ached in pain. Her stomach hurt too. She hadn't eaten much since she left. Deciding sleep would be the best, she laid on the back of Queen, and fell into a light slumber. Queen nickered softly, and glided.

Percy's PoV.

I nodded, "Let's head out." We got onto our Pegasi, and Sena climbed a tree, and jumped onto Aquila's head. She stood, and her dragon flew up. I watched in slight awe, this graceful dragon with large wings was stunning. Aquila is a Silver Phantom, look it up. They look awesome)

They all flew up, and began soaring gently on the wind drafts. Sena looked at them, asking, "Do you have something of Lyra's?Aqua here can track." Annabeth rummaged through her back, and used her drakon bone sword to pierce the shirt, and reached over to Sena. Sena tightly grabbed it so it wouldn't get blown away in the wind, and knelt on her Silver Phantom. She let the dragon smell the cloth. The dragon bellowed, and turned a bit. She began flying quickly. Blackjack flew after the dragon, his large, black, feathered wings beating quickly. His legs churned beneath him. Percy patted his stallion, and promised all of the Pegasi flying sugar cubes and apples.

-Unknown POV-

"We finally have them in place, my lord!" I saw the dark, tall man stand. I quivered slightly- this man was terrifying. His deep
voice echoed, "Leave!" I scampered up, and sprinted.

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