growing up

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Scott and Mitch are married and have adopted teenage kids. The kids are both now in school, which obviously means the kids are going to start dating. Mitch doesn't notice until one day Liam comes home with a mark on his neck.


Scott and Mitch knew very early on in their relationship that they wanted to marry each other and eventually raise a family together. They wanted to settle down after their exciting Pentatonix career.

And now, that dream has finally come true.

After Pentatonix started slowing down and they weren't touring as much, Scott and Mitch got married, and then they adopted their first child called Amelia. Then, two years later they adopted a boy called Liam.

Amelia is now seventeen years old, and Liam is fifteen years old. Scott and Mitch agreed they wanted to adopt older kids. Maybe one day they would adopt a baby after Amelia and Liam went off on their own, but for now, they were happy with their two teenagers who seemed to be growing up pretty quickly.

"I just can't believe they're already in school," Mitch pouts as he looks at his husband.

Scott chuckles. "We knew this was going to happen, babe. We adopted teenagers," he says.

"I know, but we've only had them for a few years. Time has already gone by so fast," Mitch sighs. "Anyways, what are we doing for dinner? Are we cooking?"

"Why don't we relax tonight, and just order some pizza?" Scott suggests.

Mitch raises his eyebrows as he looks at his husband. "I thought you were trying to be more healthy?"

"I am, but that doesn't mean I can't have pizza every once in awhile," Scott grins.

"The kids will be home in a half an hour, so we should order now," Mitch says as he pulls out his phone.

"I'll order," Scott says as he quickly snags the phone out of Mitch's hand.

Mitch rolls his eyes. "You paid last time. Can't you ever let me pay for dinner?" He asks.

"Because, I just want to be a gentlemen," Scott replies, shrugging his shoulders. "You can pay next time, how's that?" He chuckles, and then he dials the number for the pizza.

"Yeah right." Mitch rolls his eyes and walks out of the kitchen.

A half an hour later, the kids finally come home from school, just in time for the pizza.

"Wait, we don't have to eat that healthy crap dad always makes us eat?" Amelia asks as she sits down beside Liam on the floor in the living room, grabbing a plate for her pizza.

Scott rolls his eyes. "There's nothing wrong with trying to be healthy," he argues.

"There's nothing wrong with eating a little junk food either," Liam adds.

"Yeah, whatever," Scott chuckles, and sits beside Mitch on the couch. "How was school today?"

"Oh Mia, did you present that project you've been working on today?" Mitch asks curiously.

"Yeah, and we got an A," Amelia smiles proudly. "The teacher loved our slideshow!"

"That's wonderful," Scott smiles at her. "I know how hard you and your group have been working on it. Liam, did you have a good day at school?"

"It was fine," Liam shrugs his shoulders. "Nothing interesting really happened."

Mitch glances over at Liam and then he frowns when he notices a red mark on Liam's neck. "Hey Li, what's that mark on your neck?" He asks worriedly.

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