christmas anxiety

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Scott's parents throw their yearly Christmas party, and Scott's anxiety gets in the way of him being able to socialize with all of their guests.

A/N: sorry it took so long to update :( I have 0 ideas for scomiche oneshots


Scott loves the holidays, don't get him wrong. Who doesn't love Christmas? It's festive, and it's cheerful. It's a time to spend quality time with your family and friends. Plus, the presents are a bonus.

But, this one thing Scott really doesn't love about the holiday season is the yearly Christmas party that his parents throw. They invite the neighborhood over to their family house. Scott has pretty bad anxiety, and he hates being put in social situations like this. His parents know this, but luckily they don't pressure him. They allow him to take his time and talk to people when he's ready.

This year, however, they want him to actually try to talk to people. He's seventeen years old, and he only has one friend from high school. Scott thinks that it's enough. He loves Kirstie. But his parents worry that if he doesn't start trying harder, he'll end up lonely and depressed. Scott thinks it's a ridiculous thought.

Scott slowly walks down the stairs, nervously looking down to see what's going on.

It's been an hour since people have started arriving at the Hoying's household. He's been hiding upstairs, but he promised his parents that he really would try to talk to people. His anxiety is through the roof.

Scott hesitates, trying to decide on what his move will be next. He quickly walks down the stairs and heads straight towards the kitchen, where there's less people around. He looks around nervously, and then he quickly runs over to the table and hides under it. At least no one can find him here.

"Connie, it's good to see you again. Where's Scott? We haven't seen him yet,"

Scott squeezes his eyes shut, and pulls his legs up to his chest, praying that nobody will find him.

"I know. He should be around here somewhere," Connie chuckles. "We'll tell him you're looking for him."

Scott waits, and sighs in relief when nothing happens. He goes to grab his phone from his pocket, and silently curses himself when he realizes that he left his phone upstairs in his bedroom.

About twenty minutes pass, and Scott is still hiding under the table in the kitchen.

When a boy walks into the kitchen, he walks over to the table to grab some snacks. He looks around, trying to decide what he wants. Connie has really gone all out with the food for this years party.

The boy goes to grab one of the snacks, but jumps when the table suddenly moves, and he hears someone yelp quietly. He raises his eyebrows, curious, and then he bends down and lifts the cloth.


Scott jumps at the sudden voice and looks up.

"I'm Mitch. What are you doing under the table?" Mitch asks curiously.

"I'm hiding. Are my parents around?" Scott asks nervously.

"Connie and Rick?" Scott nods. "I don't think so. Last I saw them they were socializing in the living room. Why are you hiding? There's like a ton of people here to see you."

"That's exactly why I'm hiding," Scott mumbles, looking down.

Mitch frowns, and then he crawls under the table as well, sitting next to Scott. "Are you scared?"

Scott blinks a few times as he looks over at Mitch, surprised that he's under the table with him. "No, well... k-kind of. I have anxiety. I don't like being around so many people. My parents are forcing me to socialize this year to try and make more friends."

"I'll be your friend," Mitch smiles. "What's your name?" He holds his hand out.

"Sc-Scott," Scott nervously shakes his hand. "You really want to be my friend?"

Mitch smiles and nods. "Yeah. Why not? Everybody deserves to have a friend," he says.

"I have a friend," Scott tells him. "Her name is Kirstie. She couldn't come to the party this year because her parents are out of town. Otherwise, I wouldn't be hiding under this table."

"Kirstie? I know a Kirstie. She's really nice," Mitch says. "You should come out. Everybody's nice, and there's a bunch of people out there who's been asking about you."

Scott's eyes widen and he quickly shakes his head. "N-No thank you," he mumbles. "I'm fine right here."

Mitch frowns, wishing there's something more he could do. "Come on, please?" He gently nudges Scott.

"No," Scott scoots away from him, hugging himself again. "I can't go out there. You don't understand."

"Actually, I do. I used to have anxiety. It was really bad when I moved to Texas a few years ago, and then I slowly started making new friends. I still have anxiety from time to time but, it's not as bad," Mitch says. "And, I can help you. If you want me to. We can work together."

Scott looks up at Mitch. "Why would you want to help me?"

"Because, like I said..." Mitch scoots closer to him again. "I know how it feels. Anxiety's a bitch."

Scott giggles, Mitch's choice of words surprising him. "O-Okay. Promise you'll help?"

"I promise," Mitch grins. "Will you come out? You don't have to talk to anybody if you don't want to. Just, hiding under a table doesn't seem the most comfortable thing to do."

Scott blushes, and slowly nods. "It's especially not good for my back," he quietly adds.

"Come on," Mitch crawls out from under the table.


Mitch looks up and freezes slightly when he sees Connie staring down at him with raised eyebrows. "Hi," he says, pushing himself up from the ground.

"What were you doing under the table?" Connie asks curiously.

"I dropped something," Mitch lies quickly. "It's okay now though. I cleaned up my mess."

"That's very kind of you, thank you," Connie smiles. "I just came to grab a drink."

Mitch watches as she grabs some more punch, before she heads out of the kitchen again.

"All clear," Mitch says, looking down. He smiles when Scott slowly crawls out from under the table. "Connie is a very good cook. Have you tried the cheeseball yet? It's delicious!"

Scott can't help but smile. Maybe this party won't be so bad after all, as long as he sticks with Mitch.

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