the walking dead

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Mitch, Kirstie and the rest of their group find an abandoned prison. It's the safest place they've found since the start of this apocalyptic world. However, Mitch doesn't expect to find a group of survivors at the prison. One of those survivors, being his husband.

Trigger Warnings: rape mention for like a second

A/N: In honor of TWD finally coming back this weekend, I wrote this inspired by season 3 which is the best season don't @ me I'm just stating the facts.


"I can't believe we found a fucking prison!"

"That nobody is using, to be exact. This is the safest place we've had," Mitch adds as he and Kirstie run through the prison. "We need to hurry, we told the others that we'd let them know if it was safe."

Kirstie bangs on one of the doors, before pushing it open when they don't hear any walkers. She looks around and sees that no one is there. "Looks empty to me. I think this was a kitchen. Maybe there's food!"

"Come on," They start walking toward the door to look in the back, but stop when someone jumps up from behind the counter. Mitch instantly pulls out his gun and points it at the person. "Who the hell are you?"

"I think I should be the one asking that question," the man snaps.

"How long have you been in here?" Mitch asks, holding his gun up still. "Are you alone?"

"I don't know... a couple months? We lost track," the man tells him.

"We? So you aren't alone," Mitch mumbles, glancing over at Kirstie. "Wait, have you been outside yet... Do you know what the world is like now?"

"What the world is like now? What is that supposed to mean?"

"Oh, shit. You're in for a big surprise," Kirstie says.

"How did you get in here? Is there a doctor around? My friend is sick, and needs some help,"

"Sick?" Mitch asks, shaking his head. "No, we can't..."

"Mitch, these people have been locked in here for months. There's no way they're infected," Kirstie says. "We can help them. We should be able to find medicine around here."

"Wait a minute, how are you in here?" The man asks. "Where are the guards?"

Mitch frowns as he looks over at the man. "Well... um, I hate to be the one to break this to you, but... there are no more guards. No more police, or doctors," he says. "The world isn't what it used to be. Uh, anyways, my name's Mitch. Yours?" He asks, trying to change the subject.

"Mark," the man tells him. "Is there anyone around who can help my friend?"

"How bad is he?" Mitch asks, walking over to the door and opening it. He looks over and nearly falls back when he sees the person lying on the floor. "Oh my God."

"Mitch, what happened?" Kirstie quickly runs over to him, helping him stand up again. "You can't do that!" She looks over as well and gasps. "It can't be him."

"Sc-Scott?" Mitch's eyes begin to water up, and he slowly starts walking over to the blonde on the floor. He bends down and gently pushes his hair out of his eyes, glancing at the other man beside him.

"He's sick. Be gentle with him," the man warns. "I'm Mason, Mark's boyfriend."

"Oh good, I'm pleased to know that there are still homosexuals left beside me," Mitch chuckles.

Mason stares at him, obviously confused, before reaching over and carefully trying to wake Scott up.

Scott slowly opens his eyes when someone shakes him, looking up at Mitch. He blinks a few times, unsure if what his eyes are seeing is correct. "M-Mitchy?"

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