Chapter 1

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It was what I call a normal day. My dad would swan through the dimly lit living room collapsing into the coffee table and the couch. He would always have a bottle of something in his hand, usually a vodka but if I was lucky it would be a fosters.

He hurt people. Mentally and physically. On a bad night my mum would have purple and black eyes and be covered from head to toe in bruises. They didn't fade. They were a constant reminder if the damage he had done.

One night, he walked into my room, I think I was about 8, he picked me up by my pyjama top he said "you're a mistake in the family, you're just a flaw" he smirked. I didn't understand what it meant. His fist clenched into a ball like shape and it headed for my face. My door swung oped. "Kevin, put her down." My mum slowly said. He looked at her. He threw me onto my pink Hello Kitty blanketed bed. His fist turned to my mums face.

His hand interlocked with her face. Continuously hitting her, she fell to the ground. "Stop" I shouted but it wasn't good enough. My so called 'dad' smashed the bottle in his hand on the wall and it shattered over my mum. His black shoes connected to my mums ribs. She was powerless against him. He left the room at about 2am. I slowly sat next to my mum and I tried to prop her up against my bed. She was to heavy. Blood covered her face and was splattered through out her brown hair.

"Call... Call..." She stuttered quietly with all her effort. "Call... An ambulance" she said. I ran into the living room where my dad was slouched on the sofa with another bottle in his hand. I grabbed the phone. 999. I plotted into the phone. "Hello, 999 what is your emergency?" The woman on the phone said. "I need an ambulance my mummy is hurt! She is really hurt help her please!" I begged. "Ok can you tell me your address?" She questioned.

"I don't know it!" I started to sob. I sat next to my mum. "Mummy, what is our address?" I asked her.

"67 greenfield drive, Ipswich," she murmured. I told the woman on the phone and 5 minutes later a roaring siren arrived at my door.

"Hello!" A paramedic shouted. Bang. Bang. Bang. He pounded his fist on the door.

"Get lost!" My dad shouted.

"Sir we have reason to believe someone is injured! Please let us in" the man shouted.

"She's fine!" He replied. Footsteps walked up the stairs and my nerves hit the roof. "Dad! Help! Please let them in!" I pleaded. He smashed a bottle again on my wall and slowly plunged it Into my mums chest. "DAD!" I shouted. "HELP! HELP!" I yelled. My mum gagged. She held my had tight and I kicked my dad away.

"I love you" my mum muttered. "You're not a flaw.. Flaw..." Her eyes shut. I didn't let go of her hand. Smash! The living room door was knocked in and paramedics ran up the stairs. A police car came zooming down the street.

The police walked into my room and grabbed my dads hands. They were pulled behind his back and handcuffed. "I am arresting you for aggressive bodily harm and attempted murder. You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. However anything you say may be given in evidence." The police man said.

My dad was taken into the police car and the paramedics attended to my mum.

"She will be ok won't she" I asked.

They looked at me with a sorry face. "What's your name?" They asked. "Heidi" I replied.

"Heidi look, we don't think we can well... Your mum didn't make it."

I looked at them and looked at her. I placed my hands on her shoulders and shook her. "Mum!" I said. "Mum!" I shouted. I cried. I shut my eyes tight and bit my lip to keep the pain in. "Heidi, I'm sorry." The man said.

A woman walked into the room dressed in a black uniform. "Heidi?"

"Yes?" I replied.

"You need to come with me, your dad has been arrested and there is no one to look after you, I need you to come with me for now." She said. She looked horrid, she had no facial expression. I shook my head. "You can't take her away from me!" I shouted and I curled into a ball next to my mum and my bed.

A paramedic crouched down next to me. "Heidi, you need to go with her she will help you, you don't have anyone to look after you." He said. I shook my head. "You didn't help her!" I shouted at him.

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