Chapter 2

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They said I didn't have anyone to live with, I had my brother? I knew he lived in Australia in Sydney but I could live with him. "Do you have any other family?" The woman asked.

"My brother" I replied.

"Where does he live?" She asked.


"We can't transport you there immediately but we can appeal for a transfer." She stated. I think she forgot I was 8. "Can I ring him?" I asked her.

"That's a lot of money but ok" she said.

I went downstairs and looked in the phone book. 'Kyle' under K. I found his number.

I typed it into the home phone and it dialled.

"Hello?" His deep voice spoke.

"Kyle it's Heidi"

"Oh what's up? Isn't it like 2am in the uk? Why are you ringing me at this time?" He questioned.

"Mum... Mum... Dad was arrested because he... He..." I stuttered.

"What's happened Heidi?"

"Dad, dad has been arrested because he stabbed mum and there was too much blood so mum didn't wake up." I cried.

"What?!" Kyle said alarmed. "You're ok aren't you?" He said.

"Not really, I saw it all happen. And I don't have anyone to look after me." I said.

"I will get the next flight to ipswich. I have enough credit on my card, I will be there in about two days."

Two days soon came around and I met him at he airport with the woman I didn't like. I hugged him tight. The last time I saw him I would have been about 4 but he still looked the same and smelt the same. "I couldn't do anything to help, it was my fault" I sobbed into his blue top.

He placed his bags on the white marble floor. "Nothing is your fault."

"I'm a flaw." I said and cried.

"Do you know what a flaw is?" He asked.

"Yes, a mistake."

"You're not a flaw, Heidi listen to me, dad is a mean mean mad, don't ever listen to him! Do you understand me?"

I nodded my head. He picked his bags up and put them on the trolly. I looked at him and then the trolly over and over. "Go on then" he said. I sat upon his green suitcase.

I don't remember much after that.

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