New cover!

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So for most of my long term readers you know what the old cover was. I decided that the old cover could use a little upgrade so here is the brand new cover of "Unexpected Love."

  Fancy huh? No just my thought? Ok

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Fancy huh? No just my thought? Ok..T^T. Anyway I'm hoping that I can update more and have less of me talking because I left off with the last chapter on a pretty strange spot. I also want to tell you guys that I am happy to hear your suggestions for making the story better but I would also like to remind you that, although I made this for you guys to enjoy you do not have the right to tell me how I should of written past chapters. If you want to give me ideas then ok but also keep in mind that I work hard to try and keep you readers happy and have something to read. Anyway now that my rant is over i will be heading off, until next time goodbye my little cinnamon-buns!~

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