Welcome to the Chunin Exams Pt2

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     This whole situation was outrages. I had no clue as to why Lee wanted to fight Sasuke but to be honest..I was interested as to see what would happen. "I want to test my skills against the last living member of the Uchiha Clan." Lee continued as he stood at the ready. Sakura's face was a face of concern but then Lee winked at her. She freaked out and shuddered in disgust, ducking down behind me. I honestly felt bad for Lee due to the amount of rejection he was receiving from Sakura. Naruto on the other hand was fuming with jealousy as he muttered how everything was all about Sasuke and honestly he sort of had a point. After a few more moments Naruto came forward.

"Let me handle bushy brows over here..it will only take me five minutes then he'll be toast.." Naruto stated with a glare.

"I have no interest in fighting you, only Uchia.." Lee replied, holding a serous expression. I watched in silence but all of a sudden Naruto charged at Lee, yelling about how everything was always about Sasuke. I took a step but stopped myself, not wanting to interfere with affairs that weren't mine. 

With swift movements Lee dodged Naruto's every attack and ended up sending him flying into the wall. Lee stood back in his fighting stance with his lips turned into a frown. "Mark my words..none of you will beat me." Sakura being the innocent girl she is insisted that Sasuke shouldn't do anything due to the fact that we had less than an hour to submit our applications and we haven't even reached the third floor yet. Of course her words weren't heard and Sasuke charged at Lee. She turned her head to me, looking for me to say something to stop the fight but I just shrugged. To be honest things were getting interesting and I didn't want to miss anything. 

Sasuke's attacks didn't seem to affect Lee as he tried to hit him in vital points. Lee was just too fast and was able to dodge every move just like how did with Naruto. At the moment Lee yelled "Konoha Hurricane.'' Of course Sasuke thought about his move and normally he should of been able to block it but instead Lee was able to land a blow to Sasuke's face, sending him flying. Sakura's face was just as shocked as mine. We both thought he had blocked the attack but we were mistaken. 

Lee challenged Sasuke to get up and to no one but Naruto and Sakura's surprise, he did. When he lifted his head his lips parted to form a smirk and both his eyes were red with dark pupils and the famous black swirls of the Sharingan. I was just as shocked as Sakura but her expression quickly changed to her fangirling all over again. Quickly Sasuke went for the attack but Lee was too fast and kicked him right in the jaw just as he had punched him before. Sakura's expression quickly changed just as fasted as it appeared. Naruto was just as confused as I was although he wasn't really that awake to understand anything. 'Sasuke should be able to predict his every move..I don't understand..' my thoughts raced and suddenly Lee appeared behind Sasuke. He was whispering to him and I couldn't quite tell what he was saying but Sasuke's eyes widened a bit. Then something unusual happened and Sasuke went flying, luckily Sakura caught him just in time. He had minor bruises and I didn't think that he would actually get injured from that fight but maybe Lee was hiding a power far more greater than we imagined..that's impossible though..right? 

Before Lee could do anymore a cloud of smoke revealed a turtle. ''That's enough Lee." The turtle said and Lee had a whole conversation as he was basically apologizing with his life to the turtle for using such force and moves on Sasuke. Everyone was confused until Lee called him sensei. 'That's his teacher?' I thought to myself. To answer my question Guy sensei appeared on top of the turtle and I giggled quietly. This got a few stares from my teammates but Guy just laughed. Guy and Lee had a touching moment and I could see how grossed out the rest of my team was. It was really hard to contain my laughs but I eventually chocked down the urge. Guy appeared behind my team and I ans he held his signature, pearly white toothed grin. 

"By the way how is Kakashi?" Guy asked with a tilt to his head. 

"You know Master Kakashi?" Lee asked his sensei.

"I should say so, we're arch rivals!" We all stood in shock. Guy continued to talk before him and Lee took there leave. Before leaving Lee said something to Sasuke that obviously ticked him off. I noticed that he clenched his fists and I tilted my head at him. He looked over at me before scowling and looking away. I shrugged and ignored his weird attitude. All of a sudden his expression turned to a confident Grin and he held his head high. He always had a way of changing his emotions quickly.

"Things are finally starting to get interesting, this chunin selection exam is bringing things to a boil.." Sasuke stated. I grinned and nodded my head in a agreement. With a turn of his head I could see his face was looking directly at me and it had the smirk that I noticed earlier on it. It was as if he changed and became even more confident. "Well Y/N? Naruto? Sakura? Let's go!" 

"YEAH!" The rest of us said in unison before walking up the stairs to the third floor.

Once at the third floor Kakashi was there to greet us. "I said what I had to to keep you from pressuring your partners to come along but I'm glad you all came. Even if you had no interest in applying, one word from Sasuke and you'd come along and gone through the motions though your heart wouldn't of been in it. That would of guaranteed failure." 

"What would of happened if the other three would of shown up without me?" Sakura questioned. She held her hands close to her chest as if she really did have thoughts of not showing up. 

"Well to be honest none of you would of gotten this far without the others.." He paused then for the final time before us leaving he gave us his signature grin and added.."But all of you are here because you want to be and I'm very proud of you. Now get in there!" I walked past Kakashi and then quickly turned around and ran into him, giving him a quick and tight hug. He patted my head and whispered, "You'll do great Y/N, I love you now go show them what it means to be a Hatake!" I pulled away and nodded, the others were waiting for me and I joined them; taking my place besides Sasuke. With a confident smile I looked at each of them and held my fist in the air. With his goofy and cocky grin Naruto did the same. Sakura, finding new confidence joined in as well. Sasuke hesitated but then smirk and held his fist up. I finally felt apartt of something great and I found people who care for me..this day is what we have all worked so hard for and now..right in front of us is the door to our future. With a breath I turned my head towards the door and said..

"Well what are we waiting for, Look out everyone 'cause here we come!" 


A/N: Long chapter huh? Well I really did miss writing these things for you guys and I wanted to give you so content sooo here you go! I really am going to love writing these fighting scenes as the Chunin Exams progress also Sasuke and Y/N's love story will be moving throughout this part of the story quite a bit, maybe not in the first few parts but all in good time! I think I have decided where I want to put time skips in the years because the book cannot just stay in one section of their lives. Anyway thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Stay safe and stay healthy my little cinnamon buns!~

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