The Rebel Flesh (pt 2)

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Just as I finally caught my breath, barely a laughable minute later-- River appeared before me like magic.

"You better have a good explanation for this."

"Ooh, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." River smiled.

"You're not supposed to be here." I tried again.

"Am I? What, is it against the rules?"

"River, really, what are you doing?"

I couldn't help but notice that not only was she not at all bothered by the solar storm brewing-- she didn't once pay attention to the violent sky. She didn't once ask where we were.

It was as though she knew exactly where she was and why, which is why I didn't believe her for a second when she shrugged and said-- "I was just bored."

"Well, then, let's go be bored somewhere not about to be engulfed in flames and radiation!" I grabbed River's hand and began dragging her towards the TARDIS.

"No!" River yanked my hand back so forcefully, I stopped and turned around. "You're not making me leave in the TARDIS."

"River." I pointed up. "Those are solar flares. They kill people."

"Oh really?" She tilted her head. "Does anyone in that castle die of solar flares?"

I stayed silent-- not wanting to answer, but also cautiously aware of how she was so confident with that information-- information that only I should have in this moment. I knew our timelines were all backwards, but she had never done anything drastic like this before.

"You're freaking me out now." I grabbed my locket and reached it around her head also. "And you're leaving."

River snatched my wrist tightly, preventing me from doing anything with the locket. She brought up her other hand in front of my face, closed in a fist, a simple rose gold ring with a tiny red jewel on it-- one that I would never mistake for anything else, even with how much smaller it was.

It was my jewel. From my locket.

I wanted to argue, but I was stunned into silence, my mouth open with nothing coming out. 

River raised her eyebrows at me. "Oh, sweetie, it's about to get a lot freakier."

River lightly punched her ring into my shoulder. I felt the jewel of the ring press in, the fear and begrudging excitement in my chest, and the universe around us folding into itself, and out into another one.

a/n: SORRY this is super short-- there are 3 reasons

1- i can't really write one chapter at a time and then upload it because everything is getting way too messy/connected... if you can't tell from this...

2- i meant to add this at the end of the last chapter and it's been bugging me

3- have you all noticed there's now an official doctor who wattpad account? but, spoilers.... ;)

thanks again for all your support and still reading this thing even though i'm taking a million years with it. REALLY trying here. 

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