You See, I Know Your Fate

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((uwu title from something to believe in by young the giant))

Michael marches around the living room for two hours, various drink and several pieces of candy somehow appearing in his hand continuously, before he gets an idea.

Calum's sitting in the love seat, pillow on his lap, laptop on his pillow, searching the web (pun intended) for any information as to Ashton's whereabouts. He's just typing in "Track someone else's iPhone when you're not a stalker and just want to find someone for an unrelated non stalking reason," when Michael stops dead in his tracks and yells, "Got it!"

Calum jumps, then scrambles for his laptop as it starts to slide off his lap and towards the floor. "What?" He asks quickly as he backspaces. "What do you have?"

"An idea!" Michael has a pixy stick in his hand. Calum has no idea where he'd gotten it. He closes his laptop and sets it aside, pulling his legs up onto the couch to give Michael his full attention. "The other realities!"

"The what?" Calum blinks at him. His mind slowly catches up to the comment as he remembers Michael explaining other realities to him. He tacks on, "What about them?"

"Okay, so," Michael holds out a hand like he's going to explain something terribly, so Calum sighs and braces himself. "Anytime you've ever made a decision, you stick with the decision you made. Another version of you breaks off, makes the other decision, and becomes a completely different reality. Get it?"

Calum stares at him, but he's tired and sad and a little bit agitated that he hasn't found any information regarding a kidnapping that supposedly took place in his own home.

"No," he admits.

Michael sighs at him, like Calum's the entire issue here. "Okay, for example- let's say, you were given the choice to take the elevator or the stairs. You chose the stairs, but another part of you chose the elevator and broke off, so there's an entire reality out there that exists because of that one, tiny choice. It broke off and became exactly the same, except you didn't take the stairs."

"Seems pointless," Calum admits.

"Oh, extremely," Michael nods, then throws his head back and takes a long shot of his pixy stick. When he speaks again, he spits blue sugar all over the carpet. "I'm not in charge, I just visit. Anyway, there's a bunch of realities where Ashton and Luke get kidnapped, as they have, but they or the kidnappers made small decisions, so there's thousands."

"Okay," Calum says slowly. "So...?"

"So," Michael tosses the candy in the general direction of the kitchen and misses by about four feet. Calum's apartment is disgusting at this point. "We can visit a couple and see what information we can get to help our investigation. The other Michael's and Calum's can help us find them."

Calum squints at him. "You just don't want to do any of the work."

"They already did it for us, why should we have to do it?!" Michael's voice immediately gets high pitched and defensive. But, he makes a good point.

"Have you ever done that?" Calum asks. "Take someone with you, I mean? Can I even go with you?"

"Sure!" Michael is holding a tiny box of nerds when Calum makes the stupid mistake of looking away from him for half a second. "Luke goes with me all the time, but we have to be careful, because not every single me knows every single him. So if we accidentally land in a reality where I don't know him, I have to go find him, or he's stuck there. We have created so many new realities because of that."

"Ugh," Calum says intelligently.

Michael shrugs and dumps all of the nerds into his mouth at once. When he's finished crunching as loud as humanly possibly, he tosses the box and says, "Come on, you have to be standing. It's a rule."

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