Should've Taken My Advice

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((Title from take my advice by wild party))

In all honesty, Michael doesn't think his mother is that bad. Except for the time she dropped him off at the mall when he was eight and then accidentally got arrested so he had to sleep in a premade bed at Sears overnight until someone found him. Besides that and a few other minor mishaps, she's not a bad mother. She's not great, and Michael would probably just flat out kill himself if he had to see her more than twice a year, but she's not bad.

When they pull up to the family business, she's already on the porch, leaning against one of the columns with a hand on her hip, like she'd expected them. Calum, who's sitting in the backseat, leans forward onto the center consul and tilts his head curiously while Michael angrily mutters under his breath and gathers up his phone and any loose weapons he has laying around. It's a surprising amount.

Victoria is donning a wonderfully... black dress, almost knee length, with no shoes or socks, and several amulets around her neck. Calum eyes her up and slowly says, "huh. She's- she looks- uh, nice?"

"Sure," Michael reaches over and rips open the glove compartment in front of Luke.

Calum is silent for a few moments before he whispers, "Is she..."

Michael sighs heavily as he pulls out a handgun and shoves it into his hoodie pocket. He glances up and spots his mother staring at Calum in absolute delight.

"Yes, my mother is a mutant. She's thinks she's a witch," Michael looks back down and slams the glove (gun) compartment shut again. He bats at Calum's elbows until he can get into the center consul and pull out a second handgun, which he hands off to Luke. Luke looks at it in surprise and instantly grabs the wrong end of it, so Michael takes it back. He shuts the center consul and glances at Calum again.

"I have several questions," Calum replies immediately. Michael shakes his head, but doesn't actually verbally say no, so Calum takes that as a yes and starts talking as fast as he can. Like he's trying to fit as much in as he can before anyone stops him. "Are you a witch? Have you always been a mutant? What kind of powers does she have? What are we doing here? How can she help us, but you can't?"

"Oh my fucking god," Michael mutters as he pulls a hand down his face. He looks at Calum again and yells, "Can't you just roll with things? Always with the fucking third degree!"

"You brought me here," Calum reminds him. He crosses his arms and sits back in his seat with a huff.

Luke turns around to look at him scowling in the backseat. "Yes he's always been a mutant, but he's not a full one. Only half. So he can only do some of the "witch" things. She can heal people, which is why we're here, but she also has telekinesis and some shapeshifting capabilities. Just don't touch her."

Michael glares at the empty front porch in front of them with a passion. He is fully expecting the knock at Calum's window. Calum, however, is not. Calum and Luke both scream, at top volume, when they see Victoria's smiling face in the window, while Michael merely sighs.

"Oh my god, okay," Luke whispers. Michael glances at him, trying to convey the most angsty teenager glare he can muster, trying to remind Luke that this is completely his fault. Luke has a hand over his chest and lifts the other to wave slowly at Victoria.

Michael sighs as he opens the door and swings out. He plants his feet in the gravel of the driveway and turns to give his mother a leveled, bored expression, before he nods towards the car. "Luke is hurt."

"You need..." She trails off and gives him a sly smile. Michael keeps his mouth shut. "Say it with me here, sweetheart. "Mom, I need your....""

Michael scowls.

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