Chapter Twenty Nine

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Chapter Twenty Nine

Edwin Alistair, Viscount of Caversham never bothered knocking on most doors he encountered in his life. There were reasons for this rather strange behavior of his, of course. He never troubled himself to attend many places where there were doors for him to knock. He always preferred to be in his own company. Solitude, for him, was soothing. Growing up with three, highly theatrical, younger siblings guaranteed him enough eventful moments to last him three lifetimes. However, now as he stood outside of his sister's door, Edwin hesitated before producing three sharp knock on the hard wood.

There were no answer, only curious shuffling from beyond the door and silence.

"Someone should talk to her." Oliver said, voicing up his concerns during breakfast that morning.

"We've tried, remember?" Kendal retorted. 

Oliver stabbed his eggs with disappointment. "It's been so quiet, it isn't normal for her."

"Maybe she's still sleeping." Kendal replied. However, he too was looking unconvinced.

"I don't know, something is wrong." Oliver sank further into his chair, looking at him.

"Maybe Kendall is right." Edwin finally spoke. 

"She's been awfully quiet. Something is seriously wrong." Oliver said again. Worry etched on his face. "She's our baby, Ed." His youngest brother muttered quietly.

Edwin stared at his bacon. Charlotte was indeed considered as their baby. She was everyone's baby when she was born. Everyone doted on her. He was ten when his papa handed a squirming, warm bundle onto his arms and proclaimed that it was his newborn sister. Edwin was extra careful, holding her secure when he looked down to meet the face of his youngest sibling.

At ten year old, Edwin thought that she did not exactly look any more different than Olly: only smaller, pinker and with less hair. Oliver was two years old then, and Kendall was four. He remembered the baby stared at him with big eyes, with a color similar to his own and a tuft of dark hair covering her scalp. He did not know how was having a sister, any different than having Olly and Kellie. She certainly did all of the similar things that Olly did: she cry, eat and sleep.

Fast forward a handful of years later, Edwin realized that having a sister was not at all like having Oliver and Kendall. He found himself growing worried. The more she grows, the more he worries. When she debuted into the society, Edwin did the best he could to fend off men from throwing themselves at her. It did not help him at all that Charlie grew up to be the impulsive, uncontrollable and dramatic sort. 

It was an equally trying job trying to keep Charlotte in check. She went wherever she wanted and comment on things whenever she feel inclined to. After one outrageous exploit to another, it was a God sent miracle that the old Duke of Hartington had asked her hand for William. God and everyone else in London knew what Charlotte had done to the last man who had dared to ask for her hand.

Details escaped Edwin; however, he did remember the man stormed out of their house, doused from head to toe with cooking sherry. He had run with extra ferocity when Charlotte had threatened to light him on fire. The man never returned to their house again.

Pulling himself out of past recollections, Edwin knocked on the door again. "Charlie," he called, 'are you awake?"

Again, no answer came from beyond the door. "Charlie?" He tried again.

Still no answer.

"That's it, I'm coming in." Edwin issued one last warning before turning the doorknob and pushing it open.

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