Chapter 2

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"Talia, what happened?" Avery asks me. I hear her clearly but I ignore her. I have that scene replaying in my head. "Talia, TELL ME NOW!" Oh Oh. She's getting really angry. That's the good thing about Avery. She is a really protective person. "I saw the guy that was staring at me during basketball and his name is Tyler." I explain and just as I am going to say who else I saw in the store she cuts me off. "Cute name." Avery says. "As I was saying, then I saw someone else. I, s-saw T-t-om." I stutter. "Oh My God. That bloody bastard." Avery's place. "See you Avery." I say. Samuel then gets out of the car and gets to become a passenger. Lol!

We drive in silence. I look into my review mirror. "Shit Shit Shit!" I say. "What's happening?" Samuel asks. "Their back." I pull into my drive way and walk up to my front door. I feel hand go around and dragging me to a car. It's Tom. I pull out my phone and call Avery. "PISS OFF TOM!!" I shout. Tom now has covered my mouth. Shit. I see a car pull up that I know to well. Avery. She sprints but then gets caught by Toms friend Jack. Another car pulls up and out comes Tyler with his friend. Tyler has a worried and hurt expression on his face. He races over and takes me from Tom. "PISS OFF TOM!!" Tyler demands. Why the hell is he so protective? I only met him in the last hour. I look over and see the exact same thing happening with Avery. Tom and Jack sprint off to their car and drive off.


What the? Talia! The only word that is going through my mind. I jump into the car with Xavier. Driving. Need to go faster. Pacing. Her court. 5 minutes. Too damn long!!! Bloody hell! "PISS OFF TOM!!"


"Hi Tyler. What are you doing here?" I look over at Avery and she is mouthing to me "CUTE!" OMG Avery. "Well, this is Xavier," Tyler points over to the guy next to Avery. "We both just saw you in trouble and we figured that you needed some help." Tyler explained. "Well boys, thank you boys and we must be leaving." I said kindly to them. Tyler and Xavier were both heart broken. I sadly walked off and Samuel came with me. "My parents aren't home. Samuel, sorry it's getting late and you should defiantly be getting going." I say to Samuel. "Don't worry, it was nice to see anyway. See you soon." Samuel ends and walk to the train station. Not far away and he doesn't want a ride.

I walk into my home and plonk on the couch. Avery has just rung her mum and told her that she is sleeping over at my house. Her parents are used to it. So we sat on the couch and changed into our pj's. We then started talking about Tom and Jack.

Tom used to be my boyfriend but he just was too over protective. Not in the cute way. It was he had to watch me talking to any boys. He would 24/7 text me saying, "are you alright" or "what are you doing." It just was too much. So I broke up with him. His was begging on his knees for me to stay. It was really sad. While I was walking away he said, "I will and I mean I will get you back." Those words have always haunted me.

Now with Jack. Avery used to date Jack. We would always go on double dates. But it was the same. Overprotective. Too much. So she dumped him. Same words. Same everything almost.

Avery and I then ordered pizza. We heard a rustle in the bushes and the camped on the couch and watched movies all night.


Small chapter. Sorry.

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