Chapter 10

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I been uploading a lot more recently, because I have so May ideas floating to my head and I have been bored. I love writing this book for you guys. Plz, I know I keep saying this, but don't be scared to text me. I would love to hear your ideas for this book and feedback. Thanks guys and here's the chapter.


"Level 8.3" Tyler is ahead of me. I am about half way. Easy though. Just keep running, just keep running. Oh shoot. Past the line. Keep on running. Music, music! Yes! Perfect


I don't care about my make up

I like it better with my jeans all ripped up

Don't know how to keep my mouth shut

You say, so what, (what)-

I continue singing Rock and roll. I am now on level 9. I am still running. Getting tired. What reason did I even do this? I am racing a werewolf for fuck sake! I am still going though. No! Will beat Tyler. He needs to get his ass kicked by a girl. "GO FISH!" I turn to see a guy. "HI CHIPS!" For your information, when I was younger, Colin's first time he came over to my place, we had fish and chips. Guys. If you have a dirty mind, STOP IT!!!!!!!!

Tyler looked pissed. I am having a serious face on the out side but laughing until my sides hurt on the inside. I think he thought that Colin calling me 'Fish' was being mean. "Level 11.9" holy shit! I have done good. Last time I did the beep test, I got 11.3. I know, so god damn skilled. Come on. "Level 12." YES! I look over to see Tyler panting. I'm just breathing heavily. There is a difference.

And he is out!!! I won! 13.6 Skills. Now I can leave. Peace out. "See ya!" I yell. I grab my bag and run off. I know, I still have a lot if power left. Not overly tired. Is that bad?

Just as I am about to step outside, and arm goes around me and lifts me up, bridal style. "What the hell? The terms were if I bet you in the beep test, I could go." I explained. "Well, I changed my mind." Tyler says. Idiot! Tyler looks at me in the eyes, then lips. No! I jump out of his arms and run over to Chips. I hide behind him. I can tell that he is a werewolf, (Great) but he is the only werewolf that I feel safe around and that I can trust. I don't overly trust Matt anymore. "Protect me Chips!" I say. He puffs out his chest. I laugh. So goddamn funny. I then run. The door is open. Now I am free. Breathe. I turn. Fuck! Tyler. I run the corner. Am I safe? That's the question! I think so. Well... I am so damn dumb. I feel a arm go around my shoulders. Crap. No surviving this.

By the time we get back to the house, I'm out. I let darkness come over me.

I wake up and I look at the clock. 10:50. I look outside. Dark. Shoot. I slept and now I won't be able to go to sleep. Wait. Oh fuck! I'm in Tyler's room. I roll over on the bed and bump into a body. (Guys, if you have dirty minds, she is not doing what you think she is doing!) "oh, sorry Tyler." I am just about to roll over but I feel a arm go around my waist. "I don't mind." Tyler replies. I roll my eyes and try to get of his grip but he won't budge. Oh fudge. I look up at Tyler with a pissed look on my face. Tyler just smirks and stares at my lips. I know what your thinking maybe, JUST KISS HIM ALREADY!!!! Simple as no! I know that the moon goddess set us up but I don't want to be with him. I don't bloody know! Well, if he wants to be with me, he had to prove himself. I pretend to go in for the kiss and he moves his arm and I use that for his advantage. I suck under his arm and jump off the bed. I grab my phone and headphones and walk out the door. Just as I am about to walk out, I say to Tyler, "I'm just going out."

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