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Yoongi got back into his apartment and shut the door. He took the cat to the living room and placed him on the sofa. "So.. your name is Jinnie?" Yoongi said, knowing the cat wouldn't reply anyway. Jinnie sniffed Yoongi's hand, and cuddled up to him. Yoongi wasn't really a cat person, but he couldn't deny that he actually really loved this.

Jinnie let out a small 'meow' and then purred as he fell asleep on Yoongi's lap. "I'll have to buy you some food soon... but, since I don't have cat food here, you can have some meat for now.." Yoongi petted the sleeping cats head. He got up and went to find two small dishes. One he filled with water and the other he filled with bits of meat.

He placed them on the floor, and then he had a shower and went to bed.

•??? flashback (??? POV)•
It's cold. Why am I so cold? What is going on? Why is everything so big? Oh wait, I'm in cat form.... Oh, I'm in public. I should stay like this for now. Hopefully someone will take pity on me. I'm so cold.. and wet... I just want a warm home.

Is this food..? I can't tell. It smells rotton. I don't want to eat that... huh? I hear someone...

I look up and see two men standing infront of me. Who are they? Are they going to hurt me? Or, take pity on me? I hope they choose the second option...

•nobody POV•
Yoongi was fast asleep, hair still wet from the shower. The cat woke up and found Yoongi's room by scent. He scratched the door a few times, then meowed when Yoongi wouldn't answer.

A sleepy Yoongi opened the door to see his cat. "Meowww~" whined the cat. Yoongi sat on his haunches and petted the cat. "Why did you wake me up, Jinnie..?" Yoongi said rubbing his eyes. "Are you lonely? Your fur is still dirty, I'll bathe you in the morning.." Yoongi knew the cat wouldn't reply, but he liked talking to animals even if they didn't know what he was saying. He believed they understood your tone.

Jinnie purred, and rubbed his head on Yoongi's knee. Yoongi scratched behind his ears. Jinnie was very fond of Yoongi, and Yoongi was feeling a special bond to Jinnie. "You are so cute..." yoongi cooed. Yoongi swore that he saw Jinnie give him a smile, but it might have just been his imagination.


Heyyy guys!! This is part two to this story, I hope you like it so far. What do you guys think is gonna happen? :D Byeeeeee 🌸💗🌸💗🌸💗🌸💗

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