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Taehyung kept flirting with Jin, and Yoongi didn't like it one bit. Yoongi heard things like "you are so cute you know?" And "Baby boy" why? Did Jin secretly like it? Was Jin going to be taken away from him?

Yoongi thought to himself "I swear to god Taehyung if you take him from me I will punch you into next week..." yoongi just said nothing.

"So jinnie, wanna come to mine tomorrow?" Taehyung asked. Jin was about to reply but yoongi interrupted. "He's busy tomorrow. Sorry." Taehyung frowned. "Oh, that's a shame. Maybe another day. Anyway, I have to go now. Sorry about what happened by the way Yoongi! Bye!" Taehyung said, he got up and left.

"So, I'm busy tomorrow? What?" Jin asked. "Look, he's cool, but don't trust him. He obviously likes you, and who knows what shit he would try to pull on you?" Said Yoongi. "I guess... but, now that you say so, can we actually go out tomorrow?" Jin asked. "Sure. Where do you want to go?" Yoongi said. Jin thought for a minute and said "Hm, how about a restaurant?" Yoongi smiled and said "sure! There's a really nice Japanese restaurant not far from here, we can go there." Jin agreed to that.

Yoongi got another call. "Who's that Yoongi?" Jin asked. "Oh, it's my friend Jimin. Mind if I answer it a minute?" Yoongi said. Jin replied "of course you can" and chuckled.

"Hello?" Yoongi said when he answered his phone. "Yoongi! Taehyung told me that your cat is like... a hybrid or something! Is it true?" Jimin said. Yoongi sighed and thought "damn you Taehyung.. it was meant to be a secret..." Yoongi sighed. "Well... I guess it's true. It was meant to be a secret, but Taehyung apparently can't keep his mouth shut."

"Oh! Can I come over and see him? What does he look like in human form? Tae said he has cute ginger ears and a ginger tail! Please can i come see him? Please?!" Jimin begged. "Ugh.. Fine. Does anyone else know?" Yoongi asked, hoping the answer would be no. "Yes! Namjoon knows, I know, jungkook knows, Hobi, they all know!" Jimin said with excitement.

Yoongi got a little annoyed at Tae. "Ok..? Well... I guess you can come over, but please don't bring-" Yoongi was cut off by Jimin. "OK SEE YA BYE!" And then Jimin hung up. Yoongi was about to tell him not to bring anyone, but he felt like it was too late now.

"Jinnie? My friend is coming over. You don't have to be a cat, he already knows about you." Yoongi said, playing with the younger's ears. "O-ok!" Jin said cutely. "Want to help me make some food for them?" Yoongi asked. "Sure!"

Jin and Yoongi made kimchi fried rice. Yoongi made an extra bowl because a part of him knew Jimin was going to bring someone else. Whenever him and Jimin hang out, Jimin always brings someone else. Usually Jungkook.

There was a knock at the door. Yoongi opened the door. "Hi Jimin! Oh, and hey Jungkook. You came as well I see?" Yep. Yoongi was right. Jimin brought Jungkook again. "Where Jinnie?" Jungkook asked. "Um... he's in the living room.." Yoongi said. Jimin and Jungkook ran to the living room to see him, and Jin was there just playing with his phone.

"Jinnie!" Jimin yelled and sat next to him. "I've heard a lot about you! Taehyung told me a lot!" Jimin smiled. "Oh.. the one who stole my ramen." Jin pouted. Jungkook gasped. "If he stole my ramen I'd beat his sorry ass.." Jin chuckled. "Your cat ears are so cute! I love them! Also, your tail is so fluffy~ Hey, I know this sounds like I'm a 14 year old girl, but how about we all have a sleep over? At Yoongi's of course, but the others can come along too!" Jimin suggested. Jungkook nodded his head. They looked at Yoongi.

"Uh... Jin? Are you ok with it?" Yoongi asked. "Sure! Sounds fun." Jin said excitedly. Jimin called the others telling them to come round. Soon, they all did and everyone was here.

"Wow, so hybrids DO exist." Namjoon said. "Um, yeah? Why don't you ever believe me when I tell you things?" Taehyung groaned. "Because I don't fully trust you after you stole my ramen one time." Namjoon said. "He stole my ramen too!" Jin added.

"Sleeping arrangements. What's going on with those?" Jungkook asked. "I WANNA BE WITH JIN!" Taehyung yelled. "No chance. He's staying with me. My house my rules, don't like it? Get out and you won't see Jin at all." Yoongi smirked, proud of himself. "Ok ok... chill."

"How about we all sleep in the living room? Then we can stay up and watch movies too!" Jungkook suggested. "Won't that be uncomfortable though?" Hoseok said. "True." Jimin added.

"We can sleep in my room. Me and Jinnie sleep in my bed, and you all sleep on the floor. Don't worry, I'll give you all pillows and blankets so you will be comfy, I'm not that heartless." Yoongi laughed a little whilst saying that. "Sounds good to me!" Namjoon said and the others nodded their heads.

It was 8:00 pm. They were just talking when an idea came into Namjoons head. "Hey! Why don't we play dare?" Namjoon suggested. "What's that..?" Jin asked. "It's like truth or dare, but without the truth. You always have to do a dare." Namjoon smirked. "Sure!" Jimin said. "I'm in." Hoseok added. They all wanted to play, so Yoongi got an empty bottle and placed it in the middle of them all.

"My turn." Namjoon said as he spun the bottle. It landed on Jimin. "I dare you to kiss Hoseok." Namjoon said. Hoseok and Jimin went red. "It's a dare, you have to do it." Jungkook said, chuckling. "Ugh, I'm sorry Hobi.." Jimin sighed. He leaned in and kissed Hoseok. The kiss lasted around 8 seconds, and they pulled away, completely red.

"Cute!" Jin said cutely. "Ok Jimin it's your turn." Namjoon said. Jimin spun the bottle and it landed on Jungkook. "Jungkook, I dare you to prank call a pizza place." Jimin said. "And say what?" Jungkook asked. "Tell them your left testical fell off from hypothermia." Jimin said crying with laughter. The other burst into tears of laughter.

Jungkook called the pizza place.
"Hello this is >insert random pizza place< how can I help you?"

The guy sounded really pissed off already. So Jungkook felt a little bad making his day even worse. "Help me! I'm so cold.." jungkook Said. "Um... what?" The guy replied. "My left testical froze! It dropped off! From hypothermia!!" Jungkook said, holding back his laughter. "Is this some sort of joke? Sir, we aren't the police, we are a pizza place! Either order pizza or piss off!" The guy yelled.

The others were laughing, except for Jin. Jin didn't really see the fun in making someone's day bad, but he didn't say anything about it.

Jungkook hung up. Everyone was still laughing. He span the bottle and it landed on Yoongi. Yoongi groaned.

"I dare you to pull Jins tail." He said. Jin started to get scared. He hates people touching his tail. It's really sensitive in that area and if someone pulls it, the pain can last up to a week.

Yoongi, doesn't know this. Jin tried to get away but Yoongi grabbed him. "N-no!" Jin said, but then Yoongi grabbed his tail and yanked it hard. Jin let out a really loud yelp, everyone was laughing, except for Jin. Jin was crying. It hurt like hell. He ran upstairs into his and Yoongis room and shut the door.

"Shit... I messed up."

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