Chapter 1

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This story contains violence and strong language. I will have private chapters for this book.

Jason's POV

I've been looking for a job for almost a month now and I've finally gotten a job at the Casino my girlfriend works at. If she hadn't put in a word on my behalf with the manager, my ass would still be out in the scorching summer looking for a job. My first step in proving to my father that I don't need his help to be successful.

"Hey, did you get the job?" Kelvin my roommate asked as I came in through the front door. His mouth stuffed with left over Pizza.

"Don't tell me you have been lazily sitting in that couch all morning?" I answered him with a question as I walk towards my room.

"That is the advantage of sleeping with the boss's wife. So, tell me how did it go." He said with curious eyes, as he stood up blocking the entrance to my room.

"Yeah I got it, starting tonight. Thanks to Sarah. Now move I need to sleep and go to work early." I said quickly.

"As a manager right?" His eyes were as bright and wide like a six year old in a candy shop.

"What! Of course not, I'm a Waiter at the casino." I said with a bored tone. He was still stagnant and I badly needed him to move.


"You can't be serious! You have a Master's degree in Business Administration and other masters certificate that could earn you a job anywhere you wish and you accepted the position of a Waiter!" He yelled, cutting me off. I knew he was right but I needed to keep a low profile and escape the clutches of my father.

"I came all the way from New York to escape my father's claw's, this is the last city he would find me. If I try to secure a job at any industry he would find out. A casino in Vegas would be the last place he could think of." I was trying to reason with him.

"Being a Waiter, how would you be able to stand up against your father!" Kelvin scoffed.

This going to be harder than I thought, "look, every successful business man started from somewhere, I guess I have to start from scratch." I released a breath I have been holding up.

"You have wasted many years of attaining a higher and the best education all for what to spend it on  a worthless j..."

"Enough! I can't deal with your whining critics. It's my life!" I snapped furiously at him and with that he move out of my way.

"Pain in my ass," I muttered under my breath.

"I heard that!" He yelled back and I shut the door in face.

I smiled at the sight of my queen size bed and threw my exhausted body on the bed. It wasn't big enough to contain my whole body but at least it was comfortable. Thoughts of the day flashed my memory as I await slumber to consume me.

The damn alarm clock was killing my ears and I had to wake up. I hated it but without it, I would still be dead asleep swimming in the clouds of heaven. Dreaming wonderfully, damn I missed my old life. I guess the earlier I get accustomed to this new world the better my chances of survival.

I was taking a shower when I heard my phone ringing, I jumped out of the bathtub and rushed to retrieve my phone. "Hello!" I spoke, when I tapped on the receive button.

"Don't tell me you are still sleeping! I've been calling and you haven't been answering. Jason Macqueen, I hope you are not still in bed." Her voice nearly bleed my ears to deafness.

"I was in the bathtub. You need to stop yelling, I'm not deaf but I will be soon if you don't stop raising your voice everytime you speak." I sighed heavily.

"Whatever!" She said softly this time, and I was certain she rolled her eyes when she said that. She always roll her eyes everytime she uses the word 'Whatever'

"I knew you just rolled your eyes at me woman." I said smirking.

"You can't even see me and damn it would you wipe that stupid smirk off your face. Makes you look.."

"Sexy!" I finished off, knowing that was what she wanted to say but wouldn't because she did not want to boost my ego.

"Just get your white ass to work early, good punctuality should be the impression you give on your first day at work," she advised.

"Yeah! Yeah!" I murmured absently.

"Okay get prepared and I will see you in a few hours."

"I love you!" I said, rubbing my unshaven beard.

"Love you more." She said, blowing me a kiss through the phone.

Sarah and I, have been going study ever since I quit my Playboy days. She have been there since my rough and darker days, I doubt I would have survived if she hadn't been in my life.
Behind every successful man is a woman and Sarah has been mine though I'm yet to be successful.
I know deep down I would make her the mother of my kids when the time is right.

"Hey dude," someone said, breaking my thoughts as the figure emerged from my bathroom.

"Fuck! How did you get in?" I yelled, quickly cupping my cock with both hands as a shield from her predatorial  gaze.

"The door was opened and I needed to use a bathroom and Kelvin said I could use yours." She said grinning.

"Why couldn't you use his?" I said fuming, she was eye fucking me. I was damn sure I did closed it.

"Talia was using his. You have a sexy ass and a huge dick by the way. Do you mind if I could have a bite." She said, coming towards me like a predator stalking it prey.

"I do mind and your evading on my privacy. I need you out of my room." I said raising my voice which she got the message pretty clear and walked out.

Kelvin's head popped out behind the door, " we where having a threesome. It was erotic. Interested?" He asked smirking.

"No" I said gritting my teeth.

"They are quite experience," he wiggled his brows.

"I thought I knew all your old hookers! Who the fuck was that?" I pinched the bridge of my nose and trying to calm myself.

"These are the new ones dude. Fresh on the market. You sure you don't want her to help you release stress." It was more of a statement than a question.

"Fuck off! Don't let any of your bitches in my room." I warned him and shut the door in his face again.

This my first chapter so I decided to make it short but the rest would be alittle longer.
My first time writing so your views are very much appreciated.
Thanks for reading please don't forget to vote and comment.

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