Chapter 2

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Contains strong language and mild violence.

Jason's POV

Casino De la Cruz was crowded with elite of the society. Celebrities, Business tycoons, the rich and famous were all busy gambling dollars away. With the kind of people that comes here why won't Google even rate this place as the best. Sarah told me it was well known and the best in the city. But I thought she was bluffing, all my doubts flew out the window when I googled about the Casino. I read that the actual owner died years ago and its now run by his wife. It had undergone drastic changes since the man's demise. She must be brave and hard working to be able to take on such responsibilities.

Strangely, I didn't see any pictures of his wife but rather the old man himself, his son and daughter. The daughter looks different, she doesn't resemble the father or the son who looked so much alike. If not for the age difference, would have sworn they were siblings. Maybe she took after her mum. I couldn't stop gawking at the photo of the lady, she's extremely beautiful and gorgeous. She had a full chest and a voluptuous curves. I think she's a latino judging from her looks with the long and wavy black hair. But she's a beauty Sarah is not even close.

no disrespect babe

Women kept gawking and drooling over me, their men could careless since they are busy gambling. Only a few threw hateful glances at me. Aha! They are jealous of my good looks.  I've been going around in circles, holding a tray  filled glasses of with champagne. My back hurts, but my shoulder and arm hurts the most. I wasn't born for this, I was born for greatness and success. I've been able to achieve success despite being in my prime, climbed the ladder to greatness only to fall down again. I've lost everything I've worked so hard for. Although Kelvin was right, with my experience and achievement, my resume could secure me a job anywhere but I can not.

Being a Waiter wasn't my thing but I needed to be under the radar. And besides, it was the only position that was vacant except cleaner. There's no way in hell, that I would clean floors or scrub toilets. Anything but clean floors and scrub toilets, not that it's not an honorable job but I simply can't reduce myself to that. It would be an insult to my pride and ego. And should my enemies see me in that position I won't hear the end of it. No hole on earth would save my face from shame.

"Waiter!" I heard a soft voice called out through the noise. I turned in circles I couldn't see the one calling and kept on walking.

"Hey!" I felt a hand on my left shoulder. I turned only be here greeted by a gorgeous face.

"Can I help you madam?" I asked smirking. She was eye fucking me, clearing displaying her interest in me. She simply ignored my question, took a glass of wine from my tray and took a sip. Her eyes never leaving mine. She slipped a card into my chest pocket and whispered in my ears, "call me!" before she left.

Gone are the days of hunting and fucking if, not I would have welcomed her invitation with lubricant condoms. Why didn't I even think of this city during my Playboy era. I would have gotten free pussies for dinner each night without going through the trouble of dating, wooing or relationships. If only there would be a next life then I won't miss out on this place . I went to the bar to refill the empty tray.

"Hi, I'm here to refill my tray." I said to the bartender. He had the bad boy look with his blonde hair.

"Jason, right," he said looking at my name tag. I nodded in response.

"First day?"

"Yeah! My shoulders and arms hurt like a bitch." I complained, while taking a seat.

"I'm Cain. This doesn't look like your kinda job." He said with a throaty laugh, gesturing to the way i was holding tray. Same thing the manger said when he laid eyes on me yesterday.

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