chapter 3

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Jason POV

"First day and you're already causing trouble!" I was yelled at immediately I shut the door behind me.

"Do you know what you have just gotten yourself into?" He questioned with a scrutinizing gaze.

"He was harassing her. If I hadn't intervene he would have rapped her."

"I warned you Sarah, you know the risks involved working in a place like this." He said harshly.

"I do!" Sarah retorted.

"When you spoke to me about Jason, I warned you. I don't want a jealous boyfriend giving us problems."

I did not like the way he was putting all the blame on Sarah, "its not h..."

"Shush! I wasn't talking to you, lover boy." He shushed me abruptly. I kept quiet only because I didn't want Sarah to get into more trouble because of me.

"You said your bf wasn't going to be a problem!" He yelled at her. I can't believe this guy. Is he ignoring the fact that my girlfriend almost got rapped.

"I did Dave. He was only try to defend me. He meant no harm." Sarah said calmly. I wonder how she's still calm after that traumatic incident.

"That man is a lawyer! A big time powerful lawyer. He could sue the club and get you arrested for assault." He spoke annoyed.

"Hey Man, I don't regret punching him and don't expect me to apologize because I won't. He's just a piece of shit with a title to his ass." I scoffed.

"Damn straight he is, but you didn't have to be repulsive about it. Leaving him half dead. I know you were looking out for her but we have security to handle such mess. Let just hope to he doesn't press charges." He sighed heavily.

"And also the big boss doesn't hear of this if not we are all in a deep shit!" He added.

"Why would you be in a deep shit?" I asked curiously. I mean he didn't do anything so why would he be in a deep shit.

"He's the manager and supposed to avoid such mess from happening. The big boss doesn't like the business to have a bad name to it." Sarah answered for him.

"Hey man, I'm sorry if I got you into trouble I didn't mean for it to happen that way." I apologized sincerely.

I know what it is like to loose ones job because of someone else actions. He didn't deserve to loose his because of me. I won't forgive myself if I'm the reason why he lost his job, "maybe I could talk to the big boss and explain things to him."

"Nah! I can handle it. It's you I'm worried about. You might spend the night behind cold bars with rats." He smirked wickedly.

"I guess there's always a first time for everything." I smirked back.

"Dave, we can't just let him spend the night in a cell!" Sarah yelled panicking.

"Let's just hope he doesn't have to, if not..." his cellphone went ringing cutting him off.

"That bastard! He did what? Really, that's not good. Are they still in her office?" Dave question the caller. Sarah was perplexed with what he was saying while I was trying to figure it out.

"Yeah thanks man, keep me informed if anything happens." He said and hanged up.

"What happened?" Sarah asked immediately, beating me to the question.

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