Chapter 2

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[Scene starts at the riverside]

{Evan and Gabbie are walking along the river looking for a frog}

Evan: HEE HEE I think I found a thicki nicki

Gabbie: Evan that's a dead fish

Evan: Oops, it's still slimy

[Scene changes to the same riverside only with Jude looking at a duck]

Jude: I am immersed in looking at this American duck. We don't have these in England.

{Jude pets duck}

{Duck bites Jude}

Jude: *screeches*

[Scene changes back to Evan and Gabbie]

Evan: Wtf did you hear that?

Gabbie: probably a someone on drugs who knows, this is cracktown USA after all

Evan: Gabbie this is Michigan

Gabbie: like I said, cracktown USA

Evan: Whats your hate against michiga- you know what nevermind

Gabbie: *holds up hands in the shape of Michigan* cereal makers, serial killers

Evan: what

[Scene changes back again to Jude]

Jude mumbling: This damn country with its obesity and it's not free healthcare and its rabid ducks... I hope I give you all my European diseases.

Jude: I need to just go get my boat and finally kidnap them..

{Jude starts to get his boat ready}

[Scene changes back to Evan and Gabbie AGAIN]

Gabbie: Honestly tho who was that

Evan: Idek

{Both look over at Jude on his boat}

Jude: NAMASTE can you help, I have been bitten by rabbie duck

Evan: Uhhh

Gabbie whispering to Evan: Should I call the police or..?

{Fetus Van pulls up to the river blasting Jesus take the wheel}

Narrator: PAUSE! I know what you're thinking.. Fetus Van? What..? Well, there's this van that drives all around and goes EVERYWHERE, parades, festivals, drug busts, everything imaginable in this little run down town. This town is known for nothing except for being #1 in the state for methamphetamine, AND THE FETUS VAN.  If you're lucky enough the driver, crazy old coot Cassandra will get OUT of her fetus van and give the crowd a lecture on how to be pro life. Anyways enough backstory, back to this tale.

Gabbie: OH NO

Evan: Let's just go over to see what he wants.. I'm not in the mood to be lectured for having my DIY abortion yesterday

{Evan and Gabbie walk onto Jude's boat cautiously}


{Jude Cloroforms Evan and Gabbie}

{Jude ties up Evan and Gabbie}

{Jude starts driving his boat down the river and into the ocean towards England}

Evan and Gabbie's Trip to the UKWhere stories live. Discover now