Reunion & Planning

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"So that's what happened so far" Finished explaining Lincoln.

Clyde seemed to be in silence for a few minutes, which he supposed was understandable for his friend.

"So you family hasn't come back since yesterday, right?" Asked Clyde.

Lincoln would be more annoyed to having to repeat the same thing twice after he clearly explained i already, but he supposed that in cases like this it was understandable.

He hardly believed it himself.

"Yeah, they said they were going to some events yet they haven't come back or answered any of my messages"

"What do you think happened?"

"Well i believed that they were too tired and went to sleep to an hotel without warning, but at this point they should already have came back or at least answered the phone, so that's out of question by now"

"Do you think something bad happened to them?"

"Not really, i've checking the internet for news while we talked and i haven't find anything about something important happening yesterday, you think that if they got into an accident or something they would have at least put it on the news"

"Maybe they were kidnapped"

"That does seem plausible" Lincoln said getting worried. "But i don't think someone would do it for something that wasn't money and no one in my family has that many, the other reason would be someone being angry at them, which i doubt my family has pissed of someone THAT much"

There was some awkward silence from Clyde's part

"Oh come on they aren't that bad! Sure we they may drive other people and sometimes me nuts, but it isn't that bad! Plus even then i'm sure they would have just killed them outright instead of kidnapping them, also kidnapping ten people wouldn't have been that easy even if half of them are kids"

"Well you may got a point there, what are your other theories"

"I dunno, a surprise? A prank from Luan that everyone joined?"

"You really think that Luan would do a prank like that to you when it's no tapril fools? And that your family would agree with that?"

"Dunno, it was just a possibility, plus i prefer that rather than something bad happened to them"

"You seem awfully calm at this by the way"

"I am worried, but in cases like this is better to remain calm and focus on a way to discover what's going on, plus i may be worrying about nothing and they may show up later"

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