One Happy Family

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Klance! (Top Keith! Bottom Lance!)


~Lance's POV~

I look over at the cage next to mine, seeing my mate in the other cell. I whine, reaching a paw through the bars. Keith held my paw gently, placing little kisses (licks) on the back of my paw.


"Yes Lance?" He asks, looking at me. I look down at my big tummy.

"Our kits..."

"Is something wrong?"

"N-no... I-I just d-don't want to birth them here... it's scary a-and I don't want them to get taken away..." I whimper. Keith nods softly.

"We just need to hope that they find you a home soon... that way our kits can have a happy life."

"Not just me... I need you... you need to be there when I give birth... Keith..." I whimper. He reaches through the bars and caresses my cheek.

"I'll be there... I promise." Keith whispers, holding my paws. The door opens and we both back away from the bars, looking at the people that entered. One was a really tall man with a metal arm and white hair which was cut funky. I look at the other person, seeing a woman with really long white hair. They approached the cells and looked at me and Keith.

"K-Keith... please don't let them take me alone..." I whimper. Keith reaches through the bars and grabs my paw.

"I won't." He says. The humans look at us and coo.

"I wonder what they're saying." says the lady.

"I don't know, but look, they're holding hands." says the man.

"Can we get them both please Shiro? They look so cute together and look at the smaller one... he's... pregnant." Says the woman. The man, Shiro, smiles and nods.

"Of course Allura." He says, leaning down and kissing her nose. She smiles and leans towards the cells.

"Hello little ones. We'll be taking you to a nice, new home. Your kittens will be safe and warm there." Says the woman, Allura.

I look at her, my eyes wide and curious. I crawl to the bars and sniff at Allura's hand. Keith followed me in his own cell, worry clear on his face.

"Lance! What're you doing?" He asks.

"She smells nice! Like... flowers a-and vanilla cupcakes." I say excitedly, my tail flicking happily. Keith hesitantly sniffed Allura's hand and purred softly at the relaxing scent. The mean shelter lady walked in and unlocked the cells, letting Allura take us out. She held us gently and put us together on one arm, supporting us from behind with the other. I purr, nuzzling Keith's neck gently. Keith purred to relax me more, his paws running through my hair.

"Hey Shiro, we're going to have to take these two into the bet to get them checked out."

"Of course Allura, now, let's just get them home and let them get used to the house." says Shiro. He walks with Allura to outside before letting her in a car where we sat on her lap, cuddling up to one another.

"Shiro, what were their names again?"

"I believe the black furred one is Keith and the other is Lance."

"Awe... cute names. We need to buy them collars!" Allura says happily. I furrow my brow.

"What are collars Keith?" I ask softly. He shrugs.

"I don't know." He says, rubbing my stomach gently. I feel the kits move around and kick and smile happily.

"The kits are happy..." I whisper, then my stomach growled loudly.

"But my tummy isn't... I'm hungry." I whimper. Keith rubs my back and looks up at Allura. Allura noticed my growling stomach and looked at Shiro.

"We need to get them some food Shiro."

"I'll do that after I drop you guys off. They need to get used to their new home." Shiro says, pulling up in front of a nice house that was huge. I look at it in awe, bouncing around on Allura's lap. Keith calmed me down.

"Don't bounce too much... It'll hurt the kits." He says. I nod and calm down. Allura gets out of te car and kisses Shiro goodbye before walking up to the house and unlocking the door, placing us down inside. I stayed close to Keith, holding his arm as I whimpered slightly. He holds me, walking further into the house. I followed closely. Keith climbed onto the big thing with giant pillows and lifted me up next to him. I gasp at the softness of the cushions and purr, sinking into them. Allura chuckles.

"Would you guys like some milk?" She asks. I nod frantically.

"Milk, Keith, they have milk!" I say happily. Keith nods, his hand rubbing my stomach gently where the kits moved around. Allura walked out with a medium sized saucer of milk and set it on the floor, setting me and Keith next to it carefully. Her touch was so much nicer than the mean shelter lady's. I leaned down carefully, lapping at the milk. Keith did the same, letting me have most of it. Once it was all gone, Keith started cleaning me, starting with my milk-covered face.

"Keith, it tickles!" I shout when he licks my neck. He stops and rubs my stomach.

"Sorry mate." He says, hugging me. Allura lifts us up and lays me in her arms, her hand touching my tummy. Keith growls, biting her hand. I glare at him.

"She wasn't hurting them Keith... in fact, it felt nice..." I say, scolding my mate. Allura only chuckled and scratched Keith's chin. He purred, calming instantly. I giggle and paw at Allura's hand. She laughed and rubbed my tummy again, making my purr loudly, my eyes closing as I fell asleep.


Within the first week our kits were born. Both of them were safe and warm thanks to Allura and Shiro. I laid in my box, and purr, looking up at my mate and gesturing for him to come to the box. He walked close and looked into the nest, looking at our kits for the first time since they were born.

"They're adorable... what are their names?"

"Allura calls the one that looks like me Lacey, and the one that looks like you, his name is Yorak... I don't question it... we can't exactly tell her the names we want..." I say, petting my sleeping kit's heads.

"It's wonderful... I love you... I love you all." Keith whispers, kissing my nose. I purr happily at my mate's approval.


There you guys go! The first chapter of my happy oneshots... just so you know, when Lance called it the 'cell' he was talking about the cage. And they are about the size of normal cats. I just like these kind of cute AUs and wanted to write a Klance one. I hope you liked it!

And again, thank you KawaiiBootyButtorig for the cover! Go check her out and give her lots of love!

Luv y'all,
Erin Jaeger

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