Preview of New Book

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~Lance’s POV~

I hum quietly, walking through the halls of Arus University. I’ve been a student here for a year and already people have spread some rumors… a lot of which are true… and a lot of which were started by my ex. Once he figured out my secret, he treated me differently, he wouldn’t give me much attention, he was always on his phone, and worst of all, he created the worst punishments imaginable to anyone. 

I am a little, I used to admit that with pride, now, everyone knows and they call me a freak… a baby (which I am, but not in this way)... and once, they stormed my dorm while I was away on vacation to see my terminally ill mother, and they made a poster using my pacis, some stuffies, and my only onesie. Then, they paraded around campus. I should have moved schools after that but, I didn’t… and the teasing only got worse.

My mom passed away during my last visit three months ago and I haven’t even had the time or place to regress in order to cope… my roommate, Hunk, tries to shield me from a lot of the bullying but they just go online then.

Hunk is a senior and is going to be graduating this summer so he won’t be here anymore. I’ve put up an ad for a new roommate but it only got hate, except for one person…

Keith Kogane. My fucking highschool crush/rival. He replied to my ad, saying he’ll be starting here next year and will be moving in over the summer. I hope he doesn’t get driven away…

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