A Merry 'Little' Christmas

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Warning! This oneshot contains age regression and ddlb content, not suited for anyone under 18. Proceed with caution!

~Keith's POV~

I walk in the door after a long day of work, noticing Lance's unicorn blanket on the couch along with one of his stuffies, the hippo one I got him for his last birthday.

I glance around the room for my little boy, unable to find him until I heard a faint giggle coming from the closet at the end of the hallway.

"Oh baby~ I'm home... And I brought you a gift. but seeing as you're not here..." I say, slowly approaching the closet. The door creaked open and Lance poked his head out.

"Pweasent?" He asks, clearly in little space.

"Yep, and it's all for my baby boy if he'll come here and give daddy a hug~" I say, a soft teasing note in my voice. Lance squeals happily and runs out of the closet, his fleece shark blanket wrapped around him tightly while he clutched his shark plushie to his chest. He runs up to me and engulfs me in a big (little) hug, his blanket-covered arms wrapping around my shoulders.

"There's my good boy~" I whisper, hugging him back and kissing his forehead. He smiles and looks up at me.

"Pweasent?" He asks cutely.

"Yes baby, let's get you to the couch so you can open it." I say, leading Lance over to the couch. He sits down, pulling his unicorn blanket around himselfs he looks up at me in the cutest way, making my heart melt.

I grab the small box out of my briefcase and hand it to him.

"Merry Christmas baby." I whisper, watching as he tore into the wrapping paper.

Lance opened the box and pulled out a couple new onesies with ocean themes and a smaller box which contained a gift I hoped he would love. He looks up at me, holding the box.

"Go ahead baby." I say, smiling softly as I sat down on the couch next to him. He opens the box, revealing the paci I had custom ordered for him. A loud squeal left his mouth and he threw his arms around me.

"Tank chu daddy~!" He says happily, pulling away from the hug and kissing my cheek before grabbing the paci from its box and putting it into his mouth.

(pic of paci below. credit goes to whoever made it and google, my trusty picture finder :P )

I smile as I watch him suck on the paci happily, doing a little happy dance

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I smile as I watch him suck on the paci happily, doing a little happy dance.

"I love my baby boy." I say, sighing happily. Lance looks at me and pulls the paci out of his mouth for a moment.

"I wuf you too daddy! Tank chu so much!" He says, putting the paci back in his mouth once he was done speaking. I chuckle and kiss his cheek gently.

"You're welcome baby..." I say, a question lingering on my mind.

'Now or never.' I think, grabbing another box from my pocket and getting down on one knee while Lance was busy dancing facing away from me.

"Baby, daddy has a question for you." I say. He stops dancing and turns towards me, seeing me on my knee with a ringbox open to reveal a beautiful ring, the best for my little prince. The paci drops to the floor.

"Daddy..." He starts, tearing up. I put a finger to his lips.

"Lance, my baby boy, we have been together for three years now and... I... I was wondering... would you do me the honour of being my baby boy forever?" I ask, looking into the beautiful blue eyes of the man I fell in love with.

"Y-yes... yes!" He says, hugging me tightly.

"I will be your baby boy forever." He whispers, having come out of little space, even if just for this moment. I smile and kiss his cheek.

"Good." I whisper, slipping the ring onto his finger once I managed to slip out of his hold.

"Now, can you please tell daddy what's been bothering you? You only regress if the day is too stressful or if daddy is home all day... what's wrong baby?" I ask softly. Lance looks down and I notice his lip starting to tremble. He clutches the hippo stuffie to his chest and looks at me.

"I-It's Cwistmas... a-and daddy wasn't h-home... a-all t-teh memowies c-came back..." He whispers, starting to cry. I pull him close.

"I'm sorry baby... daddy will never, ever, EVER, leave you home on important days, okay? Daddy had to go to work but from now on, daddy will ask his work to schedule around bad days, okay baby?" I ask. He nods, burying his face in my chest. I kiss his head and grab the fallen paci from the ground, wiping any dirt and yuckies onto my pants before I pushed it to Lance's lips.

He opened his mouth and I put the paci between his lips, watching it go up and down as he suckled on it lightly. Then, a loud rumble was heard from his stomach and he looked down, looking right back up at me.

"Baby, what have you had to eat today?" I ask softly.

"Nuffin..." He says shyly around the paci, his face turning a light shade of red. I chuckle softly and stand up, holding Lance on my hip as I carried him to the dining room, setting him down in his chair.

"Good thing daddy brought home some chicken nuggie for you then, hmm?" I say, going to grab the fast food bag. Lance's eyes light up.

"Ticken nuggies?" He asks, looking at the bag.

"Yes baby... and daddy will make some hot cocoa so that we can be warm while we eat, how's that sound?" I ask, walking towards the kitchen. Lance boucnes happily in his seat, clapping his hands together.

"Can I have marshmallows wif mine pwease daddy?" He asks.

"Of course baby, anything you want." I say, smiling at him.


Okie dokie, there it is... sorry if this wasn't the kind of oneshot you were hoping for but... um... here ya go. I guess this is kinda my way of coming out to you guys... I am little... it is a coping mechanism for me because of all my anxiety..

To clear some things up about the DDLG/CGL community... It is NOT pedophilia. It is NOT always sexual. People CAN be a part of the DDLG/CGL community and still live a normal life (getting jobs, having a house, getting married, having kids of their own) If you guys would like to learn more about the DDLG community and what it isn't, I recommend Binkie Princess' video on youtube. It was very informative for me and (hopefully) a lot of others out there.

If you guys would like to see more DDLG/CGL oneshots and maybe a Klance book (?), please comment below.

Please no hate, if you don't like me now because of this, read my other books (ddlg/cgl free. no references to the community in there.)

Luv Y'all,
Erin Jaeger

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