Chapter 1

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My name is Quentin, I'm 17, and I was diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder and Depressive Disorder when I was 13.

That's really all you need to know about me. I'm pretty unextraordinary if you ask me. I'm just another kid struggling to make it out of high school. My parents got divorced when I was 11, I was diagnosed 2 years afterwards. But I'm not here to talk about myself.

I remember that crisp October evening as it were yesterday. I was driving to the store for Mom to buy a gallon of milk when I saw a girl with long dark brown hair run in front of my car. I slammed the brakes, and luckily no one was behind me. My heart was pounding and I felt it getting extremely difficult to breathe. I struggled to grab the door handle and opened my door. I stood up quickly and saw the girl standing there, in the middle of the road. "Are you crazy?" I yelled. She looked me dead in the eyes and looked away quick. There was blood covering her left forearm and she was struggling to keep from falling over. "You idiot!" She screamed. "You were supposed to keep driving!" All her words were slurred and I assumed she had been drinking. I tried to grab her but she just screamed and kicked at me. That didn't stop me from trying to help her. I opened the passenger door to my car and after calming her down, I helped her get in and buckled up.

I wrapped her arm in an old jacket I found in the backseat, and hastily drove to the emergency room.

She refused to get out of the car, and I ended up having to carry her in, even with all her screaming and kicking. We caused quite a scene running into the building, and received concerned stares. The woman at the front desk called for someone to help us as soon as we entered the building, and someone came almost immediately. I set her down gently on the stretcher and ran with the nurses who were rushing to get her to a room.

They moved her to a bed and I just stood there staring at her. It was the first time I got a whole look at her face, covered in tears and makeup. One doctor pulled me out of the room and asked what happened and I explained, while a group of nurses cleaned her up and tried to figure out what was wrong.

The doctor told me he would prefer if I stayed away from her at the moment, and I agreed. I walked quietly back to the waiting room and called my mom and explained what happened. I told her I was just going to hang out here for a little bit.

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