Room Decorations For Sweet Lolita

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Author's Note: I'll add gothic and classic later. This is just some room ideas for Sweet Lolita, Fairy kei, and more!

1) Anime posters or fanart, I use wasabi tape and tape them around my vanity mirror or room.

2) Stuffed Animals! I have a bunch from my childhood and from now. This is a good decoration.

3) Anime or Cartoon figures! They give me some inspirations for future coords and plus they're really cute.

4) Photos- I have some small photos that I have from important events and I add them to my mirror with wasabi tape. It helps me remember the memories and give me joy when I look over them.

5) Notes from the community- Sometimes other lolitas will give you notes and the paper looks really cute so I'll stick them to a mirror with wasabi tape.

6) Stationary- There's cute stationery you can use to work and write with and plus they make the desk look cute.

7) Wasabi Tape- This tape comes with many cute designs and it's also useful since its tape.

8) Gift Wrapping- It often comes from my lolita friends and I often use it as decorations or orgami decorations.

9) Japanese Cups or bowls- If you go to your Asian market they have it and also it's cute decoration. Also you can have food and drinks in your room.

10) Charms- Some Lolita's gave me charms as gifts and it has ropes that I often tie it to my lamp or around my door knobs so it's cute.

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