Room Decoration for Classic Lolita

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Author's Note: At long last the Classic Lolita chapter is out.

1) Books- Most classic lolita seem very elegant and smart. Plus their purses sometimes have a book like shape to them.

2) Vintage Teddies- Most Lolita's are pure and cute looking so are stuffed animals. Sorry I just really like the stuffed animal purses with Lolita dresses.

3) Flowers- Classic Lolitas have flower prints on their dresses so why shouldn't they have flowers in their room?

4) Antiques- The aesthetics of a classic lolita is more vintage than the rest and antiques are pretty aesthetic.

5) Vanity Mirrors- Most lolita really like this and it's cause of the vintage mirror aesthetic. There are some really classic and vintage like mirrors that look good.

6) Floral bedsheets- They have a nice design and have vintage tone down look. Which looks like other classic dresses.

7) China cups and plates- Most of them are prefect for vintage and classical rooms when displayed. Just be careful with this one cause they are delicate.

8) Wallpaper- It's hard for rooms to be painted vintage so wallpaper with vintage design will take up less time and make the room more vintage like.

9) Creamic animals- They are cute and simple. Plus there are some that have holes where you can hold stationary.

10) Lace- White lace anything will make it look pretty and classic. Lace curtains, sheets, even the lace from the crafting stores. Just tape it around tables, tie it around flowerpots, make frames out of it etc. it will look more classic.

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