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Alright well I will leave this beginners guide here since I think it has enough information. If you want to see anything else just leave a comment and I'll try to give you some tips.

Now here are some terms for lolita:
-OTT: Over the top lolita
-OP: One piece dress
-JSK: Jumper skirt dress
-Bittersweet: Mix of gothic and sweet
-OTK: Over the Knee socks
-Brolita: Male who wears lolita
-Lace Monster: A outfit with too much lace making it look ugly
-Ita: A beginner to lolita or a person who can't coord well
-Coord: A lolita outfit
-Brando: A famous shop that sells lolita dresses or an item from the shop
-RHS: Rocking horse shoes
-Alice Bow: A head bow
-Cutsew: A t-shirt that could work as a lolita blouse
-Twinning: Two lolita wearing the same outfit
-Lolify/ loliable: An item that is not meant for lolita but can be worn with it.
-Off brand: Not a famous brand but still sells lolita
-Rori/Rorita: Misspelling or mispronunciation of lolita.

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