Dating Davey Armstrong

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dating Davey Armstrong would include:

-him ranting about the boys making fun of him
-you telling him it's okay and that they're jerks
-you get up every-morning to get the paper from him
-he tells you all about the things he reads
-you wear his windbreaker a lot
-Davey always holds you hand
-you cry when you can't see him
- he walks you to all your classes in school
- everyone is jealous of you guys
-coordinating outfits every Friday
-makes you laugh
-he blushes 24/7 when he's with you
-the boys make fun of him for being so nice
-he's literally the sweetest
-calls you in the middle of the night to say he's loves you
-you do everything together
-makes you snacks when your hungry
-shows you off
-you mean a lot to him
-doesn't know what he would do without you
-you get on his back when your feet hurt
-forehead kisses
-smiley Davey and smiley you
-carries your books to class
-you always beat him in bowling
-Davey pouts when he doesn't win
-you make fun of him and try to win him a prize
-but he actually wins you one

okay guys! sorry I haven't been updating school is really crazy I have my homework ,sleeping, church stuff, so many other things but I also need your advice. there is a new boy at my school from Spain and he's kinda cute should I go talk to him? he's not in any of my classes except lunch though

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