Chapter 11

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Reyes is still asleep. I'm not even allowed to be here without his permission, but I got hungry. I also don't care anymore.

So right now, I'm sitting here at the bar, drinking a strawberry banana smoothie. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Should I answer it?

With a sigh, I got up and went to the door and opened it. There was a girl with bleach blond hair, long eyelashes with a face covered make-up, and long-claw-like-nails that could scratch my eyes out if she wanted too.

"Who are you?" I asked as she looked me up and down, making face. "I should be saying the same to you." She glared.

Why is she glaring at me? What did I ever do to her?

"I'm Artemis," I said slowly. "Can I help you with any-" Suddenly, I was rudely interrupted. "Are you Reyes's fling thing, because if you are, he's mine."

Wait? What?

"Umm... What are you to tell me what to do?" I asked, putting my hand on my hip.

"I'm Reyes's girlfriend so fucking leave before I knock you on your ass." She said as her hands go into a tight fist.

I opened my mouth to say something, but a voice beats me to it. "I don't think that would be necessary."

The bitch gasps and pushes me away to get in. "Reyes, baby, get this bug out of here, step on it or something."

I turn around and look at Reyes and he was giving me a look that says 'we will talk later' and I rolled my eyes. "Artemis, please, clean up the house while my friend and I catch up." My eyes widened. He never called me by my real name. I nodded.

"Come on baby, we have lots to catch up on." She drags Reyes to the living room, leaving me to stand alone.

After standing there; I walked back to the kitchen and decided to have an escape plan as I cleaned. "Come on baby, we have LOTS to catch up on," I said mocking her.

First step: pack my bag with clothes, food, water, and money (yes, I'm going to steal his money)

Second step: talk with that bitch to see if she can help me get out of here.

Third step: have her stay the night and distract him while I sneak out.

Last and final step: run for the hills, call the cops, move, and change my first name to Rosa, my last name to my mother's last name, Blinks.

There all settled.

I walked back to the living room and stop to see Reyes and whatever her name was, eating each other's throats.

Then, I walk to the other couch that's not being occupied and set down and cleared my throat, which got their attention. "Got a problem?" The bitch asked and I shook my head. "Um-" I scratched my head.

"Its Cassie" she sneered.

Oh sorry gosh.

"OK well Cassie, would you like to stay for dinner and maybe you can spend the night?" I almost laughed when I saw their surprised faces. "Um... yeah sure?" She let out a fake smile and I nodded.

The whole time they would talk, kiss, touch, and moan. You have no idea how bad I wanted to puke so I went upstairs and started to pack.

I grabbed everything that I needed then put my bag under the bed, but as I was putting it under there I heard my bag hit something and it skidded it out from under the bed.

Oh shit.

I pick the shiny gun up off the ground and looked around me to see if anyone was watching and put it in my bag and put it back under the bed. I acted like nothing happened after I left the room. I went to work on my chores.

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