Chapter 16

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I'm beyond pissed. Ever since I escaped Reyes the fucker didn't leave my side. He even tried to come into the bathroom with me. "Oh my gosh, Reyes stop following me everywhere I freakin go."

I wave my arms around like a mad man, then hiss in pain because my back being a little sore still from the tattoo he put on me. "No." He smirked. I rolled my eyes. Its been seven days from the whole scary event and Reyes is being oddly clingy and happy.

He sounds like a hard-headed five-year-old. "You are a jerk!"

"I'm allowed to do whatever I want, kitten." He pecks my nose, making me scrunch my nose in disgust. "Don't do that, ever. I don't like it." He nips my nose, then licks it. "Reyes! Eww."

I ran past him and I could hear his heavy footsteps running after me. I giggled turning to get away from him. I looked behind me and I see him gaining up on me. I like this side of him. If he wasn't a hardcore killer and really abusive then I would have liked him.

As I was looking at him I turned and tripped on the rug, making me squeal and groan. Reyes lands right on top of me. I heard Reyes chuckling from above me and his arms wrap around my waist.

I could feel him leaning in and whispers in my ear. "Gotta." I felt a shiver go down my spine and squeal as he lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist preventing me from falling.


He lets out a throaty chuckle and carries me to the counter in the kitchen and sits me on top, standing in the middle of my legs and putting his hands on both sides of my thighs.

He head dips down into my neck and starts kissing my neck. I winced when I feel him suck and nipping on my skin. I bit my lip to keep me from moaning.

"Come on baby give into me," Reyes says huskily. "I know you want me you just don't want to admitted." His lips moving across my jawline. I squeeze my eyes tightly.

No! I will not give in. I will not give him what he wants. I won't let him. Never.

I jump when Reyes kissed me on my lips. Hard. Reyes's tongue rubs up against my bottom lip, asking for entrance, but I didn't let him.

Reyes growls and grabs my boobs and squeezes them hard, making me gasp, giving him the opportunity to explore my mouth.

I moan and put my hands in Reyes's hair tugging it, making him groan. I felt him pulling my underwear down and rubbed my clit, then he thrust his finger in my core started it moving in and out of me, slowly.

"Reyes." I moaned.

"Look at me." He demands, but I didn't. I would be embarrassed if I looked at him in the eyes.

Suddenly, my hair was grabbed and pulled back, making my eyes fly open and let out a gasp/moan. "Look. At. Me." I looked into his eyes, both filled with lust.

"Reyes I'm about t-to-" he adds another finger. He then bends down and starts sucking between my flaps. He flicks his tongue, making me moan and push his face closer to me. "Reyes!! I need to, I'm about to-"

"Yes, kitten you can release." He mumbles against me, still sucking and licking.

I let out one last moan then release myself on his fingers, making him pull out leaving me feeling empty and wanting more.

Reyes puts both of his fingers with my juices on it, in his mouth. "Ahh so sweet, so pure and yummy." He moans. I could see some of my juices on his lips.

Then, I was caught off guard when Reyes smashes his lips on mine. I could literally taste my juices that are on his lips. He was right it did taste so sweet and I wanted more.

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