Chapter 13

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"Ma'am, we going to try our best. That man is really hard to get, he is the biggest most fearful gang leader in the whole world." The cops say, eating his chocolate donut and drinking his coffee.

"This is bullshit! You are bloody cops. You are supposed to save people when they are in need of help, you should know how to do this shit already!" Mary argued with the cop. The cop looked bored out of his mind as if he hated every once of his job with a passion.

"Come on Mary, it's not worth it," I said, grabbing her arm, but she yanked it out of my grip. "No! This-this is not right. They took care of other gangs, why not this one?"

"Ma'am you need to leave or I'm going to have to arrest you" Mary just looks like she's going to explode.

"Mary let's just go," I said.

"Fine." She says and stomps out of the police station with me trailing behind her.

"Ugh... that police station was always so lazy." She spits out.

We got into her car and drove home. When we got home, Mary and I got out of the car and walked up to the doorstep.

I stopped and looked around feeling like I'm being watched. I shrugged it off then went inside.

"I can't believe this, all those cops do is sit around eating fast food. No wonder why criminals are getaways." She growls as her arms flop up and down, making me giggle.

"Mary, it's okay. We will figure something out when the time comes. We don't need no lazy-fast- eating- food cops up our butts." She laughed.

"You're just like my daughter when she was your age she never gave up on a challenge even if it was a dark and dangerous one. You're so strong, love, always keeps that in mind." I smiled and gave her a bear hug and she chuckled

"If you don't me asking, where's your parents?" I pulled away and sighed.

"Let died in a car crash when I was 10 years old. My parents and I were going over the bay bridge to Ocean City, on a busy day. I was crying because I wanted to see the horses. My parents were trying to get me to relax, but nothing worked. They weren't paying attention to the road and-and suddenly, we were in the water. I blacked out and woke up in a hospital. Doctors told me that my parents didn't make it. So for a while, I lived with my aunt and uncle." I finished my story with tears running down my face.

"I killed my own parents because I was a selfish little brat." I let out a huge sob and she gives me a look of pity and she pulls me into a tight hug.

"Don't ever say you killed your parents, love. You were only 10 years old you didn't know if anything your parents should have pulled over. It's not your fault don't think that, ever." I smiled and wiped the tears off my face.

"Thank you so much, I really appreciate this so much." I pulled away and she smiled at me. "No problem, love. I'm here if you need anything." She pulls me in for one last hug and walks into the kitchen.

"You wanna help me make cookies!?" She yelled from the kitchen. I chuckle and skipped into the kitchen. "Sure." I grabbed the cookie mix and mix it together then put on a pan, then put them in the stove.

Suddenly, I had the feeling that I'm being watched again. I looked out the window but didn't see anybody.


I got the fresh hot cookies out of the stove and took in a deep breath and let out a moan as my mouth watered.

Yummy fresh cookies can't wait to try it.

I went to grab a cookie, but my hand was slapped away, making me jump. "Don't eat it! Not until dinner." I let out a sigh of relief and put my hand on my chest. "You scared me." I chuckled.

We made dinner and we set down at the table and talked about anything and everything. I actually forgot about Reyes and his evil ways. He doesn't deserve a girl like me. I'm nothing special just a simple girl that loves to eat and sleep.

I just don't understand why he can't find a hot model who's hella pretty and rich. Someone that would care for what he wants.

But, no, he chooses me who is just normal, but not as pretty as a model and who is not rich like a model. He had that girl who was willing to give in to his needs. but he ended up killing her all because of me! Her blood is now on my hands because I decided to run. I asked her to help me and she got killed. I feel like I'm going to throw up just by thinking about it.

Mary and I put our plates in the sink and I started to clean the dishes. "No, no, no, love you don't have to do that I can do it-"

"No, it's fine, I wanted to do it because for all that you've done for me I needed to pay you back somehow. Plus I can pay you for living here. I have money, I have stolen it from Reyes that way I can survive." I smiled sheepishly and she chuckled.

"You did what you had to do, love." And walks away, probably going to bed.

I finish doing the dishes and puts them away. Then, there was a knock on the door. I put down the towel that was drying my hands and walk towards the door and opened it. Nobody.

There was nobody there at the door. "Hello? Who's there?" Then in the corner of my eyes, I saw a black bike drove by. I shrugged and went into the house.

I went upside to my room and jumped in bed and closed my eyes falling asleep.

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