Chapter 17

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I gasped. "Reyes, it's beautiful." I breathed out.

I walked over to the tub and dipped my hand in the water. "It's warm, but how am I suppose to get in. I don't have a bathing suit."

I could feel Reyes's presence behind me and he wraps his arms around me and lays his head on my shoulder.

"You will get in. I brought you that Victoria Secret bathing suit that I got you." He whispers in my ear.

"Come let's eat." He grabs my hand and leads me to the table that has a basket on it.

He opens the basket, pulls out plates and silverware, then he pulls out a container that had hot spaghetti with meatballs piled on top. My mouth watered at the sight in front of me.

I laughed quietly. Even with romantic Reyes, he's always will be Reyes, a monster with a cold heart but I still think it's cute.

I walked over to the chair and sit down, while Reyes fixes our plates.

He sits down right beside me and hands me, my plate and grabs his own.

We both ate in silence. I jumped when I felt Reyes's hand on my thigh, but he didn't notice because he was eating his food.

Maybe, I should stop being paranoid and actually enjoy this lovely date. I relaxed under his touched and when I did I could see him smiling a little.

When we finished Reyes and I went into this tent to change out of our clothes into our bathing suits.

"I really love this bathing suit," I said, looking at myself in the built-in mirror on the tent.

Reyes comes up from behind me with his hard rock body showing off to the whole world. He picks me up bridal style, making me squeal.

I giggled uncontrollably. Reyes carries me out of the tent and walks to the hot-tub.

He gets in and slowly puts me in the warm water, then lays on top of me. The only thing that's keeping him from crushing me is his arm, that's holding him up.

I blushed as he looks down at me. He smiles and I smile back. "Your so beautiful I'm so glad you mine and only mine."

I smile drops slightly, realizing that he was the one that took me. He hurt me. Mentally and physically. "What's wrong, my little kitten?" His eyes shown concern.

I sighed. "What did you see in me to make you want me?"

"You're different." Was all he said then shrugged.

Did I just hear what he said? I'm just different?

"Really? just different, please elaborate for me, Raziel. Please, I want to go home." I begged, "I don't belong here." and I saw his eyes darkened. He leans him and growls in my ear. "How do you know about that?" He ignored my pleading.

I think I hit a nerve and now he's really pissed off. "I-i... Um... Found your birth certificate in your office at the house when you told me to clean it." I said raising my hands in a surrendering way.

"Is that what your real name is?" I asked as he looks away. "Get out." I looked at him confused. "What?"

"I said get out." He looked at me. "Get the FUCK OUT NOW!" I jumped and got out.

I ran into the tent and grabbed my clothes and put them on. Reyes comes in, didn't even say a word to me or even look at me and puts his clothes on and grabs his keys.

We both left the tent and got in the car. The whole way home we didn't say anything. Reyes gets out and slams the car door and walks up to the house.

By the time I got out, he was inside. I walked into the house and into the kitchen. I stop to see Reyes drowning himself in vodka and smoking. "Reyes, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were going to get mad. I'm sorry that I ruined the date."

He scoffs. "I don't even know why I try with you, you don't even care. I try to do something nice for you and you always something that will pissssss me the fuck offfffff." He slurred a little.

"Reyes I would stop your going to get drunk." He took a swig. "Then go to your room." I shook my head. "I'm leaving if you're going to get drunk."

"No! You are not leaving me, so go to our fucking room or so help me I will beat your assss so hard to where you can never leave me." I let out a huff and walked up to our room and slammed it shut. Knowing that its no use to even try escaping again. He's always going to find me and bring me back here.

Two hours later, I'm sitting on the bed, reading my book. Reyes is shit-faced drunk and is destroying things downstairs and I'm glad he's not up here.

Five minutes later, Reyes comes in and comes straight towards me. I thought he was going to bed, but the man has different plans.

I watched him closely as he climbs on top of me and roughly smashes his lips in mine. I cringed when I tasted alcohol and tries to push him off of me, but it was no use.

"Reyes," I mumbled against his lips. "Stop."

"No, I've been waiting for this for too long." He grabs my own shirt and rips it to shreds along with my bra. My eyes widen and I gasp. "Reyes! No, I'm not ready!" "I don't fucking care." I hit, push, and kicked nothing.

He pulls down my pants and underwear as well. I was to shock to fight back, knowing that my innocent was being taken away from me without my consent.

As I was in thought, I didn't realize that Reyes was already halfway in me. I gasp in pain. "REYES! STOP PLEASE, PLEASE STOP IT AHHHH IT HURTS!"

"Shhh relax I will go slow for ya." He slowly went in and then out. He gunts like an animal. "Reyes. stop. please." I said softly in between my cries, there is no use in stopping him.

Reyes picked up the speed and leaned down to suck my neck then kiss and lick the spot. I bit my lip to hold in the cry.

I could tell Reyes was close because he was going full speed. He let's out a loud animalistic growl/moan then releases and pulls out.

I gasp. "Reyes, you forgot the-" "I don't care about that," He laid down and wrapped his arms around me holding me in place so I couldn't escape.

"Go to bed I'm tired." He said as his eyes where dropping shut. He was out like a light, while I'm here silently crying so I don't wake him.

No, no, no, no, he took my v-card without my consent! He didn't use a condom! I'm not ready to have a kid.

I know I'm going to be up late.

This man is a monster.

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