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I'm talking to three girls from the cheer squad when I see Elle walking out knowing she need's a ride home. "Hey" she said. "hey" I replied. "Lee said that you were going to give me a ride, where's your car" she asked? I turned around and she also looked at my motorcycle. "um that's not gonna happen" she said. "Listen I have a extra helmet you will be fine" I replied. "I'm not gonna get on the back of the thing like one of your make out girls" she said. "They don't all make out with me" the one girl I want to kiss is you. She looked at me "okay so nine fifty perfect of them make out with me but that's clearly not what's happening here so if you could just get on the damn bike please"I said pointing to the bike. "you know what it's so beautiful out I think Im gonna go for a run" she said. "Are you serious it's like five miles" I replied. "what I can't hear you"she said knowing this would piss me off. "What" she said smirking. "Are you serious" she cut me off, " I can't hear you I will see you at the party okay" she said. "no you won't because I told you not to come to the party" I said but I really did want her to come. "Better get used to disappointment"she said running away but I loved to see her run away.

Sorry skipped over the phone call scene but I wanted to change things up a bit.

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