Part 6. Broken Heart

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My mouth says, "I'm OK." My fingers text, "I'm fine." My heart says, "I'm broken."

I miss the joy we used to have together.

Six letter, two words. You can say it easily, but it's hard to explain, even harder to do : Move On.

I dont't know why they call it heartbreak. It feels like every part of my body is broken too.

Eight letters, one word. It could strengthen your love or even destroy your love who existed before: distance.

Moving on is simple, it's what you leave behind that makes it so difficult.

You can close your eyes to things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to things you don't want to feel.

The Pain Of Love Is the pain of being alive. it is a perpetual wound.

It hurts when someone who you fight for doesn't fight for you back.

The hardest part of loving someone is knowing when to let go, and knowing when to say good bye.

Now that i have loved so purely and deeply, i have realized how lonely i am .

It really hurts when you expected so much more from the person you once loved so much.

If the truth was told instead of a lie, the pain would go away sooner and not hurt as much.

I hate you for not letting me have you.

Loving you was my favorite mistake.

Love don't cost a a thing : except a lot of tears, a broken heart, and wasted years.

No pleasure, no expressions, just an illusion of what should of, but was not.

How can i lose something that I never had?

If dreaming is the only way to be with you, then I'll never open my eyes.

I Dont't miss him, i miss who i thought he was.

Promise is made just to make someone expect and get hurt in the end.

Pleasure of love lasts but a moment. pain of love lasts a lifetime.

Those who feel it is better to have loved and lost, have obviously done neither.

In love, nobody wins no body loses, and nobody is punished, we all just suffer the consequences.

I want you to know all, but i don't want to tell you.

It is relly hard to decide when you're too tired to hold on. Yet, you are too in love to let go.

I Don't understand why destiny allowed some people to meet when there's no way for them to be together.

The season of love is the carnival of egoism and it brings a touchstone to our natures.

Some of us think holding on makes us strong but sometimes it is letting go.

Unbearable fights make us hurt, but then we realize, it's time to say goodbye.

Cold wind in my room, day gets dark and I'm haunted by memories of you.

It's better being alone, than being with someone who makes you feel lonely.

Isn't it sad when you get hurt so much, you can finally say "I'm used to it."

I think I have known you well, but now I know I am wrong.

I can see myself slowly fading from your mind.

Hardest thing in the world is fixing a heart you didn't break by yourself.

Isn't it an irony when we ignore each other and pretend the other person doesn't exist when love fades away?

It hurts when someone who you fight for doesn't fight for you back.

How cruel a person who awakens someone's love without awakens the intention of truly loving her.

I'm too scared to get closed to anyone because everyone who promised they would stay, turned their backs and walked away.

I think the most difficult part of losing someone isn't having to say goodbye, but rather having a life without them.

Crying is like speaking through your eyes when your mouth can't explain how broken your heart is.

The worst feeling of a broken-hearted isn't being alone, but being a stranger for someone you used to love.

It hurts when you pretend me just another promise that you couldn't keep.

Quotes Life (English Version)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora