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The sun was burning into the backs of my eyelids and I could feel something pressing into my stomach. No longer able to contain the sea water that was surging up my throat, I rolled onto my side and started coughing. Someone started patting my back.

"Are you alright?" A man's voice asked me, soft and worried. I waited until my coughing stopped so I could speak. "I've... been better..."

Slowly, I sat up and the man moved to help me. I let him, gazing around and trying to catch my bearings. "Where are we? Are we still near that whirlpool?"

The sailor looked at me in surprise, along with the other men that were there. "Were you caught up in it?" Another man asked in return.

I frowned as I nodded. "Yeah, it was me and... " I trailed off, realizing the red vested teen was nowhere in site. Eyes widening in panic, I jolted to my feet and ignoring their protests and the wave of dizziness that hit me, I whipped around. Not seeing him at all, I grabbed the nearest man and shook him. "Where's the moron at?! Did you guys see him in the sea also?! Or at least some sort of floating object?!"

They didn't get the chance to answer as I ran off, trying to find my younger brother. "Oi! Miss, wait!"

~~~~~ Few minutes later ~~~~~

I managed to find the hall leading to the kitchen just as the ship suddenly rocked. Sliding and smacking into a wall, I whined in pain. "What the hell? What's wrong with the ship?"

Deciding not to go back up and look, I began a careful trek to one of the doors. Before I opened it, I heard something rolling towards me. Jumping, I narrowly avoided being crushed by a large barrel. 'That barrel seems kind of familiar...'

I began following it, but froze when I heard light, cautious footsteps coming this way. I pressed my back against the way and slipped my flat off. Seeing as how I didn't have my bow and arrows, I'd have to do with my shoe. I raised my shoe slowly but stopped when I saw a young kid with pink hair. And he wasn't wearing normal clothes.

"Hey, kid..."

He shrieked loudly in fright, in turn startling me and making me throw my bag his head.

Lunging forward I quickly covered his mouth with my hand. "Shut your face, dude! Do you want to attract attention?!"

The pink haired boy quickly quieted down and shook his head, his eyes wide as he looked at me. I blinked before letting him go. Slowly my eyes went up and down his person, making him shift nervously. Finally, they locked on his eyes. "How the hell are you shorter than me? What the hell?" Grumbling for a few seconds, I asked, "What's your name, Pinky? Mine's Monkey D. Skylar."

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