Untitled Part 3

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"Have you heard from Clare yet today? Do you know if they are here?" Niel asked Sasha. "I dont' understand why they drove straight through. They could have stopped in any number of places."
Niel had been pacing in his living room, where they decided to work today. Charles was in the study, interviewing prospective security team members for the event and Sasha was on her phone, sitting on the sofa in the window.

She hung up in time to answer, "No, that was the dressmaker. You did insist on an arrival deadline, and to bring her family, Niel. That's going to change things dramatically. Charles is interviewing big burly tough guys right now. I think twenty-five to thirty ought to do it. And your friends have been invited to a cocktail event."

"You're sure?" he asked her. "They don't know?"

"Niel." Sasha turned on her mom voice. "I'm absolutely certain. You're one of the most popular men in Hollywood. Even one of the highest paid. I've got this. It's not like you don't have cocktails at your home on a regular basis. They won't suspect until they come outside right before the ceremony."

"I suppose you're right."

He ran his hand through his hair right at the moment Sasha answered her phone. "Clare, It's good to hear from you... You are?.. Good." Niel stopped his pacing and looked at Sasha as she spoke into her phone. "My client, the one you will be working with, is anxious to meet you...No, he won't be joining us. Has your family resigned that they have to wait, like Christmas?" She laughed at herself. "Your sister sounds delightful... Is she?.. I can't wait to meet her too... I'll come to your hotel for dinner... Yes... Your whole family... My treat... Seven o'clock?.. Good. See you then."

Niel looked at his assistant "Clare?"

"She's at the hotel I reserved for her. I'm going to meet her and get to know her and her family over dinner. You can't come." She pointed to his kitchen. "It's leftovers for you tonight, sonny."

"I heard you the first time, Sasha. geez."

"Well, then, don't look so hopeful." She said. "And no sneaking in, either!"

They heard the front door close and turned toward it. Charles had just shown the last security candidate out. "I think that should cover everything. I have about twenty-eight extra for next week. The confidentiality contracts will be sent in two days. And the contracts for your fiance and her family will be ready for them soon, when you meet them. Speaking of confidence, Sasha. Do you have contracts for the vendors and their staff? Or do we still need Frank to draw those up too?"

"He's on it right now, Charles." Frank really was a good attorney. Niel had always liked him. When his father was too far gone with dementia , Frank, who was his attorney slipped into the roll of family figure, then Niel's attorney. It was the best fit for all of them. He even settled Niel's mother's estate, even though it wasn't this area of practice.

"You're the best, Sash." Charles said, "How would we live without you?"

"Not very well, Charles." She replied. "Not very well at all." She said, walking to the door where Charles was standing. "Now then. Do you have everything in order? Extra guards. Limo for after." Sasha checked off her list with Charles as she noticed that Niel removed himself to the kitchen. He had said something about needing coffee.

"How do you know she'll agree to this in the first place again?" Niel yelled from the kitchen. "I mean, if it were me, I wouldn't agree to any of it." He said returning with two mugs of the black liquid. One for Charles and one for Sasha. He returned to the kitchen for his own and came back.

"I don't. Niel. That's what makes this whole thing so exciting." she clapped her hands and rubbed them together. "Besides, any A-lister who looks the way you look could have any number of beautiful women and she is...quite attractive. She has dark strawberry, shoulder-length hair and I believe she's shorter than you. I think she looks a little--Irish, maybe? Or Scottish. Anyway, with your square jaw and blue eyes, honey, if she doesn't jump on the Niel train right away, we might have to cancel the whole thing."

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