Untitled Part 32

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Niel welcomed his guests, and since he wasn't wearing a tux, and none of the other men, including the security team, wore tuxes, there were very few whispers as to why the guests were really there. They really think it's just a party. he thought. Good.

Clare peered out the window and recognized several of Niel's former cast members from different movies. Some people she recognized, many she did not. She got the text from Danny that Nick and Mark had arrived and they were with him in the office off the kitchen and he'd seat them right before the ceremony, before she would walk out the french patio doors, down the flagstone patio to the Northeast gazebo, where they would exchange their vows and also where the cupcakes were. Clare took a second look at the gazebo. There wasn't just a stand of cupcakes, but a decent sized cake to cut. It certainly didn't look like a wedding cake. But it had a flare for a romantic celebration. From what she saw, it was beautiful too. She would have to remember to thank Sasha for it. She knew Niel had nothing to do with the cake. She didn't even know if he would get her a ring. A simple band would do, but they never went together to pick anything out. But she didn't have time to worry about it right now as she watched the guests filter in.

Some of her family started filling in the tables, and if she were noticing correctly, they were in awe of all the famous people they were rubbing shoulders with. Nana and Papa were welcoming the family. She was proud of how smart and sophisticated they all seemed to look. Hopefully, she thought, they would act classy too. She also heard disappointment from several people who were trying to post to Instagram and twitter and other social media. Danny's phone blockers seemed to be working. Everyone seemed to have the same 'post it later' messages. She could hear the complaints as she looked for Niel. He was standing in the middle of the tent with Sasha and someone else was doing the talking. It looked like Danny, or one of his guys that looked like him. She remembered him saying his son was working this event with him. Seemed like a decent human being. Sasha pointed in the direction of the pool house and she and the Danny look-a-like went in that direction. Niel looked after them, then at the house in the direction of the bedroom window where Clare stood. His face grew the biggest smile she had ever seen him wear and he waved a little at her. Clare smiled and waved a little back. It was as if no one else were there for just a split second. At the same time for both of them, Suzette interrupted Clare's thoughts and Charles interrupted Niel's thoughts. It was obvious that neither one of them could hear what the others were talking about as photographers were stalking each of them, and some of the guests.


Sasha rejoined Niel and asked him to make his way up to the front near the gazebo where they would begin in just a few minutes. Then she left his side and walked to the house. When she arrived upstairs to the room where Clare was, she was carrying a box of flowers. They were gardenias and hydrangeas just like the rest of the flowers around the yard, and they were beautiful. just the right colors to compliment the other women's dresses. "Just remember to walk slowly and hold the flowers low." Sasha said, demonstrating how to hold them. "It looks ridiculous when a bride's arms are at a ninety degree angle. Go forty-five.  Also, you'll be walking down the aisle to Enya's China Roses." Sasha said as she turned to leave. Abruptly, she stopped. "Oh, yes. Here is a corsage for your mother, Nana, and a bouquet for Suzette and Lainey." She pinned the corsages and passed out the bouquets. "Could you meet me in the kitchen ladies? Stay out of the office, and don't let anyone see you. I have some last words for Clare."

Suzette suppressed a laugh, "you make it sound like you're going to the block, Sasha." She said, referencing the French guillotine. Sasha returned Suzette's words with a stern glare. "We'll see you downstairs," she finished. "Some people need to get their nickers out of the twist," she said walking down the hall. Charles and Danny have all the tech stuff in the office. It's better not to get mixed up in there."

Sasha waited until the women were at the end of the hallway before she shut the door and let out her long-awaited held breath. "I'll tell you what, Clare. Today and yesterday I have been doing nothing but piddly details." She moved closer to the bride and reached up to her hair. "A curl is out of place right here," She said, moving it, but not really moving it. "I feel like you could have been my own daughter, Clare. It's been truly inspiring to do this for you. With you." She hugged her, careful not to wrinkle the lace overlay and french silk of Clare's dress. "Is there anything you need to tell me before you go downstairs?"

"I'm pretty sure my mom and Nana covered everything, Sasha. I am, after all, an adult and have adulted for many years now." Clare drew her eyebrows together, not understanding what Sasha was getting at. "Just say it, Sash."

"Don't...never mind." She interrupted herself. After drawing in a sharp breath that earned another look from Clare she asked, "When, exactly were you going to have Mark and Nick seated?" She crossed her arms in front of her after she pushed her glasses up.

"Oh, that." Clare sighed a breath of relief. "I wanted to surprise Niel at the reception. I know you've got to pencil me in there somewhere now, but that's kind of the price you pay for planning a stranger's wedding. You're lucky they're hiding right now because I did consider having Nick sing me down the aisle, but they decided it would be in bad taste because even celebrities can go nuts too."

"Wise. I'll usher them in for you, if you want. After everyone's been seated." Sasha was amazed at the detail Clare gave her for her surprise. And that Danny's guys were able to keep the secret. They'd only seen about five people since they'd come in, but that was about four too many. "I'll fit 'you' in the reception, don't worry."


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