Chapter 4

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"Marco..." Mr. Diaz said sternly.

Star's mind drifted back from the dream world.

She was in his arm, she felt safe, the sense of foreboding was gone.

Mr. Diaz is in her room and standing over her bed while Marco is holding her.

This was bad.

"Hey, Dad," Marco said cooly. "Star was having bad dreams. She's crawled in my bed at least twice last night, so I thought I'd stay here till she went back to bed. I must have dozed off."

Marco's always thinking on his feet. If her father walked in, She'd be terrified.

"Uh.. huh." Mr. Diaz said skeptically. Marco threw back the covers.

"See? Pants are on." Marco said as he yawned.

"Son, I know you are responsible, but as a parent... I have to ask." He said sheepishly.

"No... no." Marco chuckled. "I get it. If I were a dad, I'd be saying the same thing."

She felt him move to get out of bed. She didn't want him to leave, but she stayed perfectly still, feigning sleep.

"Breakfast is ready." Mr. Dias said.

"Alright, you should head down. You've never woken Star up... She can get a little wand happy if ya know what I mean.

"Oof... I get it. I'll get out of the blast radius." Mr. Diaz said with a chuckle.

She felt Marco sit next to her. Why wasn't he coming back to bed? They can skip school and stay here forever.

"Star..." Marco said sternly. "I know you're awake."

She held her breath and pretended to snore.

Just come back to bed.

"I don't know what's going on in your head. I'll be here and I'll listen when you're ready to talk." Marco said. His voice seemed to shake as he spoke. "I... last night... I think I get it."

Star smiled. Her back was turned so he couldn't see, but she felt happy. Of course, Marco would understand. She didn't even understand, but she could count on Marco too.

"You went out with Tom... it stirred up a lot of feelings. You tried to change them with me... and that... stirred up things for me." Marco said. "I... I don't regret last night. I loved holding you, but... but I'm with Jackie."

Star felt a rock fall into the pit of her stomach. What the hell was he saying?

"I hope we can call last night an error in judgment for the both of us. I know you didn't really mean any of it. As your friend, I get it. You needed me there, and I will be. I'll always be there. But, I love Jackie... and I think you have feelings for Tom, otherwise, you wouldn't be trying to forget him so much last night." Marco said. He stopped to wait for an answer.

Star remained motionless. If she spoke, she would say something bad. She felt her heart torn in half. Why didn't he understand! The way he held her, she's never felt anything like that!

"I'm going to get in the shower and get dressed," Marco said. She felt him lean over and give her a peck on the cheek. "Come down soon please."

When she heard her door close, she grabbed the pillow Marco slept on and hugged it to her chest as she sobbed into the pillow.

Why was Marco, the smartest person she knew so dumb?


"You sure about this Star?" Marco looked back and forth nervously.

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