Chapter 13

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Queen Butterfly stood face to face with her old nemesis. She was ready to give her life for her people and was ready to do anything for it.

Deep Down...

She looked at her gloved hands and clutched the locket around her neck.

"Do you want your daughter to be next?" Toffee said.

"I'm sorry Star... Marco..." she whispered.

"Fine... don't hurt her." she whimpered.

Queen Butterfly pulled an ornate locket from under her shirt. She whispered to it, and a seal appeared around the perimeter. She opened it up to reveal Toffee's severed finger.

He gleefully reached forward but stopped for a moment. Turning his hand around, he held it out. Indicating she put it in his palm.

"I always knew you were sentimental... but I wonder how your husband would have felt knowing you kept a piece of me close to your heart."

"I kept it to remind me of my passion and mercy." She said and glowered at him. "I let you live. I could have killed you then."

"And that... is a mistake you and your children will live to regret." Toffee said. He placed the still moving finger on the stump, and it merged into a working digit.

Toffee smiled at his success and looked down at Queen Butterfly. She was whispering under her breath.

"I call the darkness unto me

From deepest depths of Earth and sea

From ancient evils unawoken

Break the one who can't be broken

to blackest night I pledge my soul

And crush my heart to burning coal

To summon forth the deathly power ...."

"I don't think so." Toffee said and backhanded the Queen across her face, sending her careening into the dirt.

"Marco... Kill them all. Take out Star first... That should put you in a blind killing rage." Toffee said and turned to walk away. The silent coalition lost the last shred of morale.

Everyone screamed and ran as Marco surged forth.

Star held her sword and shield up, ready for Marco's attack.

Please, Marco... still be in there.

Star braced for the impact but looked up to see Tom holding a flame barrier up, blocking Marco's sword.

"Star, get out of here!" I'll hold him off.

"TOM!" Star shouted. "Tom! He's still in there! Let me talk to him!"

"Star! GO! If he's in there he'll want you safe!" Tom shouted. "I'll get through to him if I have to beat it into him. I still have to pay him back for tripping me on our date!"

Tom's rage erupted around him and he shoved Marco back.

Star tackled Jackie just as a stray flame shot out.

BuffFrog shouted to everyone to follow him into the forest. Mewmans, Monsters, and Underworlders followed him into the woods as Marco and Tom battled it out in front of a crumbling castle. Toffee turned around and watched in amusement.

Star and Jackie hid at the edge of the woods, behind a large tree. She wasn't going to abandon Tom or her mother who was crumpled on the dusty ground.

Marco occasionally would lunge for her prone body, but Tom would be able to block his attack and push him back.

She wanted to run out and save her, but Toffee was still there, and if he's even more powerful than Marco... she would just be wasting her life.

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