Chapter 12

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Marco stood in front of Ludo's Castle. The massive castle boasted a skull entrance with drawbridge, various towers with spikes on the roof and was built around a giant lake of lava.

"Thanks, bro," Marco said after hopping off BuffFrog's back. "Again, I'm really sorry about your friend."

"So... what is plan?" BuffFrog asked.

"I go in there. Fight my way to Toffee and kick his butt." Marco said as he popped his knuckles.

"That... is definitely a Star Butterfly plan." BuffFrog pointed out. "But is that really a good Marco plan?"

"That's the only plan I got." He said and readied his short sword. "Go home to your little tadpoles. I got this."

"You realize you probably will die," BuffFrog said. "Can't you... what's the word... reconnisize?"

"You mean reconnaissance?" Marco corrected.

"Yes, sneak in, check out layout, and leave. You safe... I safe... Star not go on murderous Narwhal rampage and set the monster forest on fire because you die."

"BuffFrog, I've kicked every one of those monsters butts for months now," Marco said confidently.

"Not all... not Toffee." He said. "You don't understand Toffee. He's crazy. Crazier than Ludo."

"How is that even possible?" Marco asked. BuffFrog shrugged.

"After he turned Ludo to stone, I check up on him," BuffFrog said. "He can regrow limbs, absorb magic, and..."

Marco looked at his new friend's conflicted face. He was unsure how BuffFrog felt coming back to his home with Toffee sitting on the throne.

"What is it?" Marco asked. "Anything you can tell me will help."

"It's old legend," BuffFrog said. "Told by an old friend when I was learning more about him."

BuffFrog sat down. Marco sat across from him. He gave his friend a smile to reassure him.

"Toffee killed Star's grandmother," BuffFrog said. "He raised an army, attacked Mewnie. She fought him, he lost. Queen Butterfly attacked in retaliation. She drove army into forest where we now live. All Toffee lost in fight was finger."

Marco took in what BuffFrog said. Toffee killed a Butterfly. A powerful one too. His felt his confidence deflate when he thought about this.

"I need to protect Star," Marco said, more of an affirmation to himself. "I'm her fated knight. That has to mean something."

BuffFrog nodded more to himself than to Marco's statement.

"I will go with you, cover your back." He said.

"No!" Marco protested. "The tadpoles!"

"Yes. I have tadpoles. You have Star." he said with his chest puffed out. "We have loves we must protect, and you need to keep me alive, and I need to keep you alive. If one falls, the other will take fallen comrade and run. No shame in running to save life of friend."

"You're not making this easy on me are you." Marco sighed. BuffFrog laughed and patted his shoulder.

"You a good guy for Mewman." BuffFrog chuckled

"You're a good guy for Monster," Marco replied. He wasn't going to break the jovial mood by correcting his species to the frogman.

"I know secret way in... and others may want to join us." BuffFrog said. He pointed to the sword in his hand. "Don't kill."

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