Chapter 10

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Everyone around Marco erupted with yells, orders, accusations, and panic. Marco took a breath and looked at the twitching Ludo and BuffFrog. He pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath.

"SHUT UP!" he screamed. The room fell silent. "Glossaryck. Check Jackie."

The tiny genie creature floated and looked at her. He gave a thumbs up.

Marco pulled the dagger out of BuffFrog and checked his pulse. It was still there.

"Get BuffFrog some medical attention. He's still alive." Marco ordered. Some guards looked over and King and Queen Butterfly. They looked at each other and nodded.

Marco knelt over Ludo and picked him up. He wiped the foam from his mouth and checked him. The black vines have almost covered his whole face. His breathing was shallow as he twitched violently.

"Star... can you use the magic that reverted him from stone to try and pull as much of this out of him?" Marco asked, Star looked at him and nodded.

"I'll help." Queen Butterfly said.

Mother and Daughter stood between Marco and engulfed the quartet in a radiant light. Once his visioned cleared, the twitching creature in his hands didn't move. The black veins had receded, but not fully gone.

"The worst should be gone." Queen Butterfly said.

"Woah... that's a bit woozy." Star said as she stumbled and fell on her bed.

"I tried to use all the poison on Ludo," Marco said. "You two are still going to need to do that for him. I... tried to aim away from anything vital. I'm just glad I was there to attend the frog dissection in class. If we could save anyone, BuffFrog has kids, so he was my priority."

"Wait... you had a plan?" Star said from her bed. She still couldn't seem to sit up. "That whole crazy killer Marco was an act?"

"It was a sloppy plan, but it was the only way I could see out of it. I was more making it up as I went." Marco said. He looked over at his shocked parents. "Mom... Dad... I'm sorry. I'm sure you're disappointed in me."

"No matter what happens." Mrs. Dias said as she held her son. "We love you and are so proud."

His father gave him a pat on the back.

Everyone turned when they heard Jackie groan.

"Did anyone get the license plate of that truck?" She grimaced, holding her head. She looked up at everyone with confusion. "M...Marco?"


After they had recovered a bit, Star and her Mother did another treatment on Ludo. The black vines receded once again but her old enemy still looked in bad shape and the doctors didn't know if he'd make it.

She kept thinking of the look on Marco's face. She'd never seen him like that and it scared her. How was sweet, loveable Marco capable of being so... cold? Even if it was an act... there was definitely more to it. He almost broke.

"Star..." Her mother whispered and held her hand. "Let's go and let Ludo rest."

Star nodded and followed her mother out. She was going to head to see Marco, but a regal hand rested on her shoulder.

"Can... we have some tea?" Her mother asked with a smile. Star smiled back and nodded. She hasn't spent much time with her mother for a while, and it would be nice to sit with her.

She followed her to the Royal Tea Room. The place hadn't changed since she was little. All the old Mewnie Queens watched regally, holding a cup of tea from the old royal tea set passed down through the generations.

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