sleeping with strangers. // unedited

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the bed was oddly warm. 

that was the first thing zara noticed as she mumbled softly, half awake and half asleep. 

the second thing she noticed, was how comfortable it was. her bed wasn't usually this comfy. she had bought it in this crappy second hand furniture store; it wasn't the best, but it was at least cheap. but this mattress..she felt like she could snuggle in all day. 

and here's the third thing. the bed smells like a guy. like, cologne and all that jazz. 

that was what had zara open her eyes for. 

she tiredly fluttered her eyelids open, groaning quietly as she was exposed to an intense sunlight. well... at least, intense for her. the university student never really liked to wake up to birds chirping or the bloody sun shining in her face. "what the hell...?" she muttered to herself grouchily, using one arm to rub her tired eyes. 

and when she truly opened her eyes to what was in front of her, that was when she saw something she never would have expected. 

a man. 

sleeping next to her. 

zara screamed. 


it was saturday. 

that was the first thought that came to kemala's mind as she slowly brought herself back to consciousness. 

something felt different as she slowly open her eyes though. her bed, didn't feel like her bed. it felt harder, colder. it felt like anything that wasn't a bed. 

she let our a small, tired groan as she turned on her side.  

her breath hitched in her throat as she stared into the eyes of amber wellbury. they were a beautiful green shade, like the colour of a swamp. it reminded her of the earth, and of the various pastes and seasonings and spices her mother would use for her cooking.  it was a strange comparison, but one that gave kemala comfort. 

after those first few seconds of admiring the other girl's eyes, she came back to her senses, after the realization that she wasn't waking up to her own bed. a small gasp escaped her lips and her eyes went wide as she abruptly stumbled to her feet. she desperately looked around her and it took her a few moments to realise where the fuck she was. 

the room was a mess. toilet paper were thrown everywhere, leaving an almost infinite trail. it covered the couches, the fireplace, the ornaments that were tilted over. food and packets and packets of sweets were scattered on the beige carpet; crumbled up crisps were smothered down on the floor randomly, not to mention, all those party poppers practically thrown all across the room. someone had spilt some red substance on the ground as well, staining the carpet with a vivid red shade. kemala's eyes furrowed together as she stared at it for a long moment. what was it - vimto? red fanta? ...maybe even wine?

no... amber is amber but she isn't that classy, kemala thought to herself with a roll of her eyes.

she sighed as she stared at the unconscious bodies of teenagers. as she walked past each and every one of them she started to recognise who they were - they were amber's smug little minions. 

huh. they don't look so much now.  

she was just about to leave, glad in her confident footseps when she didn't look where she was standing and oof. she just tripped. a groan escaped her lips and she looked back. to her horror, she realised that she just walked over the body of amber. 


"..uckkk..." amber groaned. "what the hell?" the red headed girl grumbled as she slowly open her eyes. kemala bit her lit nervously as she stood frozen, not wanting to be heard. of course, that was an idiot move. she should have ran while she had the chance - she knew that. 

slowly, amber's head turned, moving to the direction of where she assumed that dull pain had come from. 

she was staring into the eyes of that immigrant. 

kemala's breath hitched in her throat as amber just stared. no reaction. she just stared and stared; it was extremely unnerving. she bit her lip. "h... hi..." kemala stuttered meekly, her voice barely above a whisper. 

it was then that amber processed it, as that thing spoke. her nose flared in anger as her eyes widened. she immediately sat up and grabbed the closest thing to her, which happened to be what was left of toilet paper. "what the fuck are you doing here?!" amber growled in a whisper-yell, as she waved the toilet paper by her head as some kind of weapon. she was careful to not be too loud, after all, she knew that her friends were here. if they woke up and say kemala...

amber shook the thought from her head. no. they won't know, because she'd kick kemala out before they'd wake up. yes, that sounds like a plan. "get out!" she said far more loudly, her hand waving towards the door. kemala, without disagreement nodded, but it was far too late for that as some of the others started to wake up. amber glanced at them for a fraction of a second in panic. her head whipped back towards kemala and she quickly stood up and pushes her back. "go! upstairs!" she hissed. without hesitation, she rushed upstairs.  

her friends slowly woke up, getting up from their sad state all over the living room. some were draped over the couch and others were lying like dead bodies on the floor. what they all had in common however, was that banging headache. they groaned and whined about the amount of alcohol they had last night. amber had significantly less, knowing that she would have to clean all this up before her parents came back home.

and so came the challenge of the morning. 


a/n: oops, this update is very delayed..sorry guys!

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