waking with strangers. // unedited

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her scream was so loud, she was sure that the whole neighbourhood could hear her. 

and damn right! a bloody stranger was lying next to her! 

her panic settled in quicker than ever. as she tried to stumble off the bed to get away from this man as quick as possible, she ended falling off the bed with a loud thud. 

she yelped, groaning as her head hit the wooden, polished floor. her legs seemed to be tangled in bedsheets and it restricted her movement as she tried to get up on her feet, despite the throbbing pain at the back of her head. "sh..shit.." she grumbled, clutching her hair as she closed her eyes for a moment, sighing. bad idea, zara. bad idea.

"hey! are you okay?" she heard a voice say in concern in a deep, husky tone, as she felt its breath fanning over her face. zara's eyes were wide as she stared at him, at his beautiful blue-ish green haze. they were beautiful. it reminded her of the lakes, the beautiful beaches that she often visited back in her own country. 

zara quickly washed the thought out of her mind, reminding herself that he was a stranger. she leaned back, trying to distance herself as she avoided his eyes. "y-yeah.." she stuttered, but then swore to herself in her mind for stumbling on her words like that. god, why the hell was she acting like this? she was acting like a such an idiot. 

at that moment that was when she came to her senses, and her eyes grew cold. it was like she was another person."wh-what are you doing so close?! get away from me!" she snapped. the boy seemed taken aback but respected her wishes, as he got up and stood back, giving her some space.

"of course, i apologise," he replied kindly. his voice, as zara realized at this point, was american with a slight accent that she couldn't put her finger on. 

once she untangled herself from the sheets and stood up, she crossed her arms and glared at the man, who she now perceived as an enemy. zara's cheeks flushed pink as she realised that she was in her pajamas, in shorts and a t-shirt. "you'd better tell me what's going on right now! i don't remember waking up in some stranger's bed! you..." she narrowed her eyes, far too blinded by her anxiety to really take notice of him, "..did you kidnap me?"

such a ridiculous accusation felt strange on zara's lips; she would never usually say anything like that. her cheeks reddened even more in embarrassment as the man started to chuckle, and then laugh. right in her face. 

"s-stop laughing at me! what's so funny?!" she frowned deeply, scowling as she rolled her eyes. she crossed her arms tighter. 

"that's adorable," the guy chuckled more. "you think i'd kidnap you? you're clearly not from these parts.." he smiled, shaking his head, "we're both the in the same boat."

"j-just shut up."

"no, i'm serious. you seem smart enough, you should figure it out," he spoke, the lightheartedness swept away from his face as he looked at her seriously. his eyes scanned over her face, almost as if he was studying her. he ran a hand through his hazel coloured hair. the man sighed. "last night, i went to bed alone. today,  i wake up with a random, beautiful stranger screaming in my ear," he said and let out a soft chuckle. "you, the random, beautiful stranger doesn't seem to be aware of why you're here too. we're two strangers, who just happened to wake up next to each other.  anyway, you seem to not be from around her," the man spoke slowly as he looked deep into her eyes. he took a slight step closer step closer. "do you think that is a coincidence?"

his question was rhetorical, almost sarcastically ironic. deep down, they both knew about the whole fate situation. 

zara gulped. 

"i..where am i?" she asked softly, the hostility left from her voice.

"you're in los angeles. california."

zara eyes widened. "w-wait what?...as in..california, america? as in, trump-is-your-president, america?"

he nodded. 

"you're shitting me...no.. that can't be right..." she muttered under her breath and her eyes darted across the room. she rushed past him and ripped the curtains open, to stare down at the street below. her breath hitched in her throat.

 her breath hitched in her throat

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her lips parted. it was completely different from the oxford setting that she was so used to in britain. the sky was a clear beautiful blue with no cloud in sight. tall, large and overshadowing skyscrapers loomed past the point of her line of vision; palm trees stood tall and the road was wide and clean, with a few cars littered on the sidelines. the quiet hum of the world outside could be heard even through the window. it was completely different from her hometown. 

her fingers trembled slightly as even more panic and rash thoughts settled in her brain. zara spun her body around so quick and she stared at the man. for the first time he could see the vulnerability in her eyes and the fear in her expression as she stepped away from the window. "no no no.." she muttered to herself in worry. "i..this isn't real..i..i'm not really here..this can't be happening!" she shrieked, putting her face in her hands as she suddenly dropped on her feet, standing in a crouching position. her fingers knitted through and parted her hair as she pulled it slightly. her eyes were wide as she stared at the ground, trying to take this all in. 

"hey-" the man started to say in a soft voice, but zara quickly cut him off.

"no! stop! shut the hell up!" she snapped, her voice shrill from uneasiness. "just- get back! i don't want to be around you, i don't want to hear you, i don't want to see you!" she pulled at her hair, ignoring the sharp pain as she felt that tug at her roots. "just get away from me!" 

zara knew that she was over reacting. she knew that she was being rash and the smarter version of her would think this though. but that didn't stop her from rushing past the man, slamming the door open and running out of the apartment. she was a sobbing mess; she was clearly not good with situations like these. it was a surprise that the male didn't seem to bother to follow her but she didn't care for it much as she found herself running into an alleyway, hiding behind a dumpster to get time to herself. 

she never realized that he would be running after her. 

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