getting along. // unedited

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she couldn't believe that she was helping her enemy out of all people, clean up after her own trashy party. 

kamala knew that she shouldn't have been doing this. she was in no place to kick all those horridly heavy bodies out that door. nor did she have to clean up after the horrible mess they had made. though, truth be told, she would hate to suddenly be caught by amber's parents in the leftovers of some god-awful party. 

she hated to admit it but her parents were people that kamala admired, just a little. they popularity and success - she wished that she could be like that. maybe then her parents would see her as a truly worthy daughter. 

letting out a soft huff, she leaned against the creme walls, the wooden broomstick in her hand. she closed her eyes as she fantisized it slightly. only for a moment. 

"hey! sleeping beauty!" she heard that annoying voice shrill out sarcastically. kamala let out an irritated groan under her breath. 


"go work on the kitchen," amber ordered as she collapsed down on the coach. ooh, that struck a nerve. 

"excuse me?" kemala questioned, her eyes narrowing as she frowned at the orange haired girl. 

"you heard me. go clean the-"

"i am not your slave," kemala cut her abruptly. she stormed up to amber, discarding her broomstick as she crossed her arms. she didn't know where she suddenly got this burst of confidence from - it was so unlike her. amber, on the other hand, gazed lazily up at her. 

"just because you act like a complete bitch with your friends doesn't mean you can treat me like this when you're alone, you racist... pig," kemala hissed, struggling to find the words in herself to truly insult her.

amber stared up at her with a blank look on her face, blinking a few times once she realised that it was it. kemala said nothing more. a slow smirk spread over her lips and she let out a small chuckle. 

"is that all you got?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. the still and calm attitude that amber held nerved kemala. she stayed quiet. 

amber scoffed. "i thought so too. pathetic."

kemala glared at her. "what?"

"you heard me," the grin spread wider on amber's face, "you're pathetic. far too easy."

"i..i'm not easy!"

"oh god, yes you are!" she laughed. "why the hell do you think i play with you all the time? it's not because i hate people like you, it's because you're so fucking weak and easy, and your reactions are just the best." she looked at her in the eye. "ask any of my friends. they would agree."

kemala's face held an expression of anger and conflict. she wanted to say something back. yell at her, say an insult- but nothing came to mind. and slowly, came the realisation. amber was right. she was right. she kept quiet, unsure what to say. 

amber, realizing this, snorted. "yeah, i thought so too," she muttered. despite her words, she got up from the couch and sighed as she walked into the kitchen.  a frown formed on her face as she turned around to look at her. to her surprise, the red headed monster had grabbed a bin bag and started to put all the junk inside. 

kemala tiredly ran her hand across her face, making the skin around her eye stretch a little. running her fingers through her fine brown hair she looked around the house in frustration. it angered her to think that she didn't know what was going on. it wasn't even her fault that she woke up in this stupid house..and now amber was treating her like her little slave. 

a frown formed on her lips as her eyes narrowed. in fact, why the hell was she still in here? helping her out? kemala wasn't at the party last night, she didn't have to be here. i should have just left

in that moment, the sound of a 'ping' from her phone brought her away from her thoughts. she took it out, noticing how it was pretty low on batter. right..i didn't charge it last night, kemala reminded herself mentally. she looked at her notifications, frowning as she went on her news app. "breaking news..the eclipse in the moon...soulmates..mix-up..five am.." she mumbled softly, reading the news report to herself a little. she felt a chill run down her spine. 

"what the hell are you saying, you weirdo?" she heard amber say from the kitchen, but she ignored her. it can't be a coincidence. 

"amber," kemala suddenly said with urgency as she quickly stormed over to the girl. "answer me straight. i don't have time for your bullshit. what time did you sleep and wake up?" she questioned her, her voice tight. 

amber eyed her oddly, unsure of what her answer would lead to. "why?" 

kemala sighed in annoyance. "just tell me."

she pursed her lips. "i don't know," she sighed. 

the dark haired girl frowned. "did you sleep before 5 am, and wake up after that time?" 

"i-well..maybe. i guess..i don't know," she spoke. "why do you ask?"

kemala groaned as she put the phone on the table, the article clearly seem. 

"you really really think we're that? soulmates?"

she nodded. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2020 ⏰

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