Chapter 15:

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Time skip by two months

Your POV;
I turned to my wrists, and ankles. Both reddened and numb to the touch.

I've been here two months.

I've given up all hope. Every dream of all my friends barging in here, and bringing me to safety.

I squinted as I saw the small door open, letting the light pool into the dark room.

"Eat. Then you should know what its time for." Sasuke said, throwing me a piece of bread, and a bottle of water.

We came back to Sasuke's house a month ago.

Every single day, he had his way with me.

No matter how much pain I'm in, no matter what.

It's his way, and his way only.

After two months, I start to get used to it.

My body yearning for his touch, even though I despise him. And think of my crush every time he fucks me.

It used to work, but now my body wants Sasuke.

I threw the bread across the room, and drink the water.

It was stale anyways, but who cares?

I heard footsteps, which means he wants me.

This is my life now.

I have no hope, my thoughts, and mind only filled with despair.

My eyes went from the cheery (e/c) sparkly ones, to a dull gray. As a color I now view the world in.

He stripped himself, as usual I wear nothing.

He thrusted himself inside of me repeatedly.

I hate to say it, but he has amazing stamina.

With every thrust, a gasp escaped my mouth.

I tugged at the chains containing my fragile limbs.

Aching to touch Sasuke's flesh.

He grunted and walked away, coming back a second later, continuing to thrust into me at an amazingly fast pace.

He released the restraints from me, and I wrapped my now skinny legs onto his torso.

I placed my arms on his back, as he held my thighs as support, and continued to thrust in and out.

"S-Sasuke" I moaned.

For the first time, I moaned his name.

"What if... what if I get pregnant?" I mumbled.

I felt a stinging sensation on my cheek.

"Don't fucking say that, you slut. I already have a girlfriend, we're going to get married, and start a family. You'll hopefully be dead by then." He said, letting grunts and moans get in the way.

I felt a pang at my heart.

I don't care for Sasuke, but I do care for my own life however.

"How are you still so tight?" He growled.

I couldn't answer, and only dig my finger nails deeper into his soft flesh.

"Brother? I need to talk to you!" I heard a voice yell.

A familiar one.


I forgot this was Sasuke's house!

"Itachi! Help me! Itachi please he-" I felt multiple hits onto my already broken body.

"You're going to fucking regret that, bitch" he said, raising his arm up again.

I flinch in fear, and scrunch my face up.

"Brother I need to borrow your car. Also isn't it sad ___ moved? I thought you kidnapped her." Itachi said with a laugh.

"Itachi! Help!" I screamed again, at my only chance of freedom.

"Brother? What was that?" Itachi said walking closer to the room.

I felt more hits.

My vision blurred, as blood was pouring out of me.

"Itachi! I'm in here! Help!.." I screamed

More hits

More blood.

"_-___!?" Itachi screamed, looking down at Sasuke beating me ruthlessly.

Finally free...

I closed my eyes with a smile on my face. Not caring if I live or not.

Itachi's POV;
I let myself into Sasuke's house.

___'s been gone for two months, it's sad but Sasuke told us she moved.

It's weird, she just moved here though.

"Brother! I need to talk to you!" I yelled.

No response...

I heard a faint yell, assuming it was Sasuke, I went upstairs to check all the rooms.

Our family is quite wealthy.

"Brother. I need to borrow your car. Also isn't it sad that ___ moved? I thought you kidnapped her" I said adding a chuckle at the end.

How silly to accuse my little innocent brother.

"Itachi! Help!" I heard a feminine voice yell.

It sounded like ___... But I shrug it off, and think it's some joke.

"Itachi! I'm in here! Help!.." I heard the voice again. This time fading.

This isn't a good joke.

Sasuke's always been bad at jokes though.

I opened the door to where the voice was coming from.

To see my own brother, beating my best friend,

"_-___!" I screamed horrified.

I looked at her gray dull eyes, bloody face.

Still having a smile.

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