Chapter 33:

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hello everyone! i'm so sorry for making you all wait a long 5 months!! i didn't realize it had been this long, and words cannot express how sorry i am! i really let you all down, and i'm so sorry!! i can't really tell you when the next update is, but i hope you all enjoy this chapter! also, please please please stay safe! i don't want any of my dear readers to get sick, with this new virus, please stay in good health :)!

Your pov;
I stood there awkwardly. Did I almost kiss the man who had caused me the most pain? What the hell was going through my head? Added to the fact that I have the best husband in the world, who needs me more than ever at the moment... I was willing to throw that trust through the window!

Another knock ripped me from my thoughts, and I moved from my place. My warm hands made their way to the cold doorknob, opening the door to see a young teenage girl. "I-Is this the right area? Sorry I'm kinda new to this thing..." She mumbled, looking down to her pearly white sneakers.

"Yes honey, don't worry about it, I know you'll do great with my kids. You do have experience, don't you?" I asked her, letting her into my house with a smile on my face. "Oh yes ma'am! You can surely trust your children with me!" Her face lit up, I can tell this girl will be a great mother in the future.

"Okay, well, the kids are asleep right now. I'm not quite sure when I'll be back however, do I need to pay you upfront?" I asked her, looking for my purse.

"No ma'am! You can pay me after! Please go to wherever you need with your husband." The girl said, gesturing to Madara.

"We aren't married!" We yelled together, I beat him by about half a second, though.

The girl averted her eyes, not knowing what to do with herself. I let out a sigh, "Okay honey... How about you go use your phone, or watch tv? If the kids wake up, I left milk in the fridge for them. If they don't want any of that, please give them the baby food inside the cabinets. They're good kids, they listen to people quite easily! We'll be leaving now, thank you for watching them!" I said, slipping on shoes, and grabbing Madara's arm to leave. Not even giving the babysitter time to answer me back.

We made our way to Madara's sleek, black car. It looked like a novelty to me, but I haven't seen the man in years, so I would expect he had gotten a new vehicle. "Damn, did you get a new car?" I asked, sitting on the leather seats. He grunted, turning the key into the ignition. Stupid Uchiha's... So damn emotionless, and rude. How did I get so lucky with Itachi?

As the vehicle began to accelerate, I started to look out the window. How could this happen to my man? It seems as if the universe is against me, with the bullshit that happened in the past thanks to the asshole driving...

The ride to the hospital was silent. To be completely honest, I wouldn't have it be any other way. Whenever I speak to Madara, we end up screaming at each other like a married couple. Well, Itachi and I don't really argue much... When I talk to Madara, he always is so fucking disrespectful. He's a self centered asshole, "Who doesn't regard anyone's feelings, even if the fault is his own. He's a fucking asshole, and I don't know why I stick with his stupid bullshit. Fuck." I heard Madara start to chuckle, while his grip on the steering wheel tightened. His knuckles turning pale. "What?" I asked, clueless.

The car came to such a sudden halt, that I ended up hurting my head on the dash. "Oww... Fuck!" I yelled, touching my head gently. "Oops." Madara sneered, reaching for his seatbelt. I did the same, shutting the door lightly.

I practically left Madara in the dust, I dashed over to the receptionists desk, quickly asking her what room Itachi resided in.

"Another one huh? Wow, the guy has a lot of friends! I'm assuming you two are friends?" She asked, typing quickly onto her computer. I rolled my eyes, "No, I'm his boss! We were good friends though!" I lied, laughing after I finished the sentence.

Madara made his way to my side. "This is my subordinate," I smirked at the tall man," Madara. He'll be accompanying me as well." The woman nodded, taking out two stickers, and slapping them onto our chests. "Right this way please!" The woman said, taking us up to Itachi's room.

Obito, Shisui, and Rin were passed out on the chairs outside the rooms. I smiled, poor things were probably there for hours.

"All we know is that he's in a stable condition, please make the visit short and sweet. I'll tell the one inside to leave since you two are entering." A new voice said. I didn't even notice the receptionist leave, and a nurse take her place.

Before letting us in, the nurse let Itachi know that it was his boss and coworker in to visit.

We both waited for the nurse to open the door and let us inside.

My jaw basically dropped at what I saw. Even Madara looked shocked.

"Itachi?" My voice broke as I saw who was locking lips with him.


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